Main > The Armoury

My Pikeman's armor

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Sir Matthew:
We do mid 16th to mid 17th century. We are able to portray several different units in that time period, at PaRF we are the fictional Mount Hope Trayned Band but we also do a company of foote (the regiment we belong to evades me at the moment) for ECW events and this year we added the 1630s Massachusetts Colony Militia to our portfolio.

Ahh, nice. 17th century is a fun era

Sir William:
Why'd it take them so long to come up with the buff coat?  That should be 14th Century at least!  lol

Because leather became a lot less expensive then.

Sir William:
How was it expensive?  You go out, kill a deer, skin it, cut up the steaks, dry and tan the hide- pretty simple.  lol


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