Main > The Armoury

My Pikeman's armor

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Sir Matthew:
I finally got some pics of me in my Peascod breast and back and my buff coat. Unfortunately I was unable to upload them to my Knight page or here. The Knight page kept telling me they were the wrong file type, even though they are gif and they are too large to post in a regular post. I may try to reupload them today after work, the computer was giving me issues yesterday so I do not thing the fault lay with the website or server. Good news is that I did get them up to my FB page, I know a few of you have seen them there from the commets and the like clicks, but I wanted to post it here too. That way the rest can head over and take a peak. I also wanted to see what everyone thought of it, clicking like is nice but here I can get some feedback on how it looks.

Sir Brian:
I'll have to edit this post later to give my feedback since I can't access FB from work. ;)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, if you can resize the images a little and save them as JPG, that might work best.

Sir William:
Let's see it, Sir Matthew!  I can't access FB either...and don't yet have an account.

Sir Patrick:
Ditto Ser William's request!


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