Main > The Armoury

My Pikeman's armor

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Sir William:
Nice, Matt...I like it!  Looks like me taking pics...I never know how to stand or what to 'do' with myself.  Others like Sirs Brian, Edward or Wolf seem to have the poses down pat.  :)

I harassed you on FB about it already, But I'll say it here too, looks wonderful! I wouldn't mind having you in my Tercio!  ;)

Sir James A:
Looks good Matt! Only thing I can say is the pants should have the same length on each side. ;)

Sir Matthew:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-08-16, 21:22:36 ---Looks good Matt! Only thing I can say is the pants should have the same length on each side. ;)

--- End quote ---

Haha, they do, but for some reason the left pant leg always seems to catch on something and hang up. I joke that it's my gang style since I live in the 'hood. Sir Nathan, it would be my honor to be in your Tercio, although we English don't use such a formation, we stick to the Pike and Shotte model.

Ahh, ok. So just wondering, what exact year or era does your group portray?


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