Main > The Great Hall

Pax vobiscum

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Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Hello and welcome  :)

Frater de Beaumanoir:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-08-15, 14:08:43 --- you might recognize my Facebook watchword, "Needs more Teutonics!"

--- End quote ---

I recogonized you by name and photo Bruder.  ;)

Hail and well met Lords Gerard de Rodes and Rodney.

Thank you, Brother. I figured you would, after I spammed the whole figurines album   ;D

Haha, now we simply need to convince the rest of those here to lay aside the secular trappings and follow the cross  ;)

Sir William:
Nothing wrong with secular trappings...we all have our own individual calling, no?

I know. I speak in jest. Not all are called to the ways of the Military Orders. Even if it's for pretend!  :P


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