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Pax vobiscum

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Frater de Beaumanoir:

--- Quote from: Sir Matthew on 2011-08-12, 02:31:40 ---Wow, that is quit well done. I find it intersting that with a German background you have chosen to do a Templer and not a Teutonic knight. You are doing an earlier period, but most people who do German backgrounds for their Crusaders choose to do Teutonic. Still, very cool.

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The area where I was born was closer to French holdings than stronger Teutonic influence, so I adopted that for my persona.  ;D

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-08-12, 02:48:22 ---is that templer bob standing second from the left? i used to talk to him on the AA a long time ago before he left.

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Yes it is. Small world, this armored one!  ;)

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2011-08-12, 04:20:17 ---Welcome fellow crusader. Seems being a crusader on this forum is quite popular. We are getting quite a few members interested in that era including myself.
Wait a second, those pictures in your knight page look familiar, I may have seen them on deviant art before possibly, on this account

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You can never have enough Crusaders! An apparent fault from back then as well. :P As for deviantart, yes you did, as that's my profile as well. I like to do motivational posters involving Warrior Monks, as you could probably tell. ;D

Frater de Beaumanoir:

--- Quote from: Ser William on 2011-08-11, 15:44:53 ---Dominus vobiscum, Frater de Beaumanoir.

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Nobiscum deus Ser William, always good to meet fellow Brethren of the Order. Well done bio on your Knight Page.

Sir William:
Thank you Brother, as is yours.

Sir Rodney:
Very well staged and photographed! :)

You guys are making this poor 14th century warrior feel a little nervous.  ;D ;D

welcome to the forum brother!
I follow the way of the Teutonic Order myself, but we need as many dedicated warriors for the cross as we can get, no matter what banner they follow!

I'm glad to see you here brother, you might recognize my Facebook watchword, "Needs more Teutonics!"


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