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Frater de Beaumanoir:

--- Quote from: Syr William on 2011-08-17, 16:39:31 ---Frater, I was long have you been attending the Fisher's Ren Faire out in IN?  I ask because I know a guy who used to frequent it w/his may recognize him by his arms, armor and accoutrements here.

--- End quote ---

Brother William, in truth last year was the first I ever made attendance to Fishers. It is a 10 hour trip, but the promise of a Ren-Deus-Vult, made it worth it. We're planning on another even larger gathering at this year's event, at its new location.

I've see photos of these secular lads, but haven't the pleasure of meeting with them. I've also apparently just missed one of the Brothers of these very forum thread at GARF, of which I've attended since 2004.

Sir William:
That sounds like it must have been a most excellent gathering.  I have talked about stretching my legs and seeing some of the other Faires in this fair land...time and opportunity do not always coincide, unfortunately.

Also, I think you are referring to Sir Brian, he attends the GARF yearly. 


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