Main > The Great Hall

Pax vobiscum

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Sir William:
Frater, I was long have you been attending the Fisher's Ren Faire out in IN?  I ask because I know a guy who used to frequent it w/his may recognize him by his arms, armor and accoutrements here.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2011-08-15, 13:40:38 ---Very well staged and photographed! :)

You guys are making this poor 14th century warrior feel a little nervous.  ;D ;D

--- End quote ---

Never fear Lord Rodney there are still a couple of us that are loyal to the 14thC yet lol  ;)

Although after saying that, I do still have all my crusader kit (not truly Templar as I fear the cross is wrong) and my 13thC kit also.  ::)


##Note to self, must drag all my old gear out and get some photo`s.##

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2011-08-17, 19:22:55 ---##Note to self, must drag all my old gear out and get some photo`s.##

--- End quote ---

Reminder to self. We're waiting for pics. ;)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-08-22, 19:35:42 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2011-08-17, 19:22:55 ---##Note to self, must drag all my old gear out and get some photo`s.##

--- End quote ---

Reminder to self. We're waiting for pics. ;)

--- End quote ---

Reminder to all.  We're waiting for pics.  ;)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
LMAO..... :D :D

OK OK I take the hint. The good lady Joanne has had me busy sorting out the garderode lol.
I will get onto it as soon as I get chance.  ;)


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