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Valhalla Rising

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-09-14, 08:11:22 ---I must disagree with you Red Knight! In the name of the King was the worst movie of the whole fantasy/medieval/sword & sorcery genre EVER!  ;)

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No, I have to disagree with you there, Sir Brian.  No...the worst medieval-themed movie I ever saw was this:

HORRID.  From the mix of arms and armor to the acting and action sequences, this movie failed on ALL counts.

Sir Edward:

Wow, some of these sound awful.

So far the most painful to watch for me were "Druids" (with Christopher Lambert), and "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" with Sean Connery. Druids was by far the worse movie.

Sir William:
Yea, I saw snippets of Druids and I guess my choice was wise in not continuing to view it.  I actually have that second one...and I bought it because I remembered seeing it as a kid- but a lot of the comedy was lost on me, all I saw was knights in armor and you know how that goes.  So I sat down to watch it after a lot of years had gone by since seeing it last...funny how time and perception can take a beloved memory and turn it into something akin to dross.  Which is what that movie was, now that I'm old enough to know.

Even so, Merlin and the Book of Beasts was by far worse.  I have that as well and will gladly curse any of you with it if you so desire, just let me know and I'll bring it with me to our next gathering.  lol

I will say this- M&BoB's depiction of Merlin clad in armor wielding a staff (battlemage anyone?) was initially more interesting than any of the previous iterations of Merlin...too bad the entire movie fell so far short of that potential.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-07-21, 16:58:59 ---Another movie to keep in mind.

It is on my Amazon list, along with Ironclad and Black Death.  I'll let you know how it is after I've viewed it.

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I saw this movie a while ago & thought it was 'weird' (as least story wise). Didn't really get into it.

I saw this movie. not superb and not bed just time pass... :P


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