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Valhalla Rising

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Sir William:
Another movie to keep in mind.

It is on my Amazon list, along with Ironclad and Black Death.  I'll let you know how it is after I've viewed it.

Sir Wolf:
i saw it. did i finish it? no. it was kinda boring. no it was relly boring.

Sir William:
Really?  Damn...wish I'd seen this first before I went and bought it.  What was so boring?  Lack of action?

Sir Wolf:
no there was tons of action. but it was 1 guy chained to a pole vs people. i dunno if it got any better, i got bored after the forth or twelfth butchering. no real plot in the beginning to hold me to it

Sir William:
Ahhh...ok, a good popcorn movie then.  I like Mads Mikkelsen tho...worth a watch.  I like gratuitous violence for its own sake sometimes.


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