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Valhalla Rising

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Sir Patrick:
DVRed it on IFC the other night.  I'll let you know what I think soon.

Sir William:
So I saw this a couple of weekends ago...I think it was Sir Brian who told me that I should watch it anyway even though it seems no one enjoyed it.  It did get a little 'out there' with the symbolism and I never understood why he just gave in and let the natives kill him at the end...was that to be his final sought-after release? 

This movie was so gritty I almost didn't want to watch it...there's no joy in it and I guess that was the point.

Sir Patrick:
Worst.  Movie.  Ever. >:(

Sir Brian:
I must disagree with you Red Knight! In the name of the King was the worst movie of the whole fantasy/medieval/sword & sorcery genre EVER!  ;)

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-09-14, 08:11:22 ---I must disagree with you Red Knight! In the name of the King was the worst movie of the whole fantasy/medieval/sword & sorcery genre EVER!  ;)

--- End quote ---
haahhaahah naaaa i laughed all the way thru that one...wait, it wasnt a comedy?


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