Main > The Great Hall

A good day to thee fellow knights.

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Sir Matthew:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-06-21, 19:32:18 ---Sounds like a plan...I want to go as well; convincing my wife that it would be totally fun will take some doing.  She loves the Faires...but she isn't into it as much as I can be.

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I've never been, but want to go. The group I reenact with goes, but this year I didn't really have the funds and taking that large a block of time off work was not a good idea. I'm planning on going next year. If I do, I'll see if my Capt. would allow members of the board here to camp with us.

Sir Wulf:
Hail Sir John. As a new member myself I can attest to how open and accepting these guys are.
What part of PA?

Sir William:

--- Quote from: madmanpsu on 2011-06-21, 22:51:24 ---
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-06-21, 19:32:18 ---Sounds like a plan...I want to go as well; convincing my wife that it would be totally fun will take some doing.  She loves the Faires...but she isn't into it as much as I can be.

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I've never been, but want to go. The group I reenact with goes, but this year I didn't really have the funds and taking that large a block of time off work was not a good idea. I'm planning on going next year. If I do, I'll see if my Capt. would allow members of the board here to camp with us.

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Sounds good man, let me know.


--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-05-21, 12:32:07 ---Before my wife passed away, we used to stay overnight at the PA Ren Faire. I don't like doing a lot of driving, and with her MS she couldn't drive. I went with mys sister in law and two others, that way I didn't have to drive last year, since they were only spending the day.

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I am sorry for your loss sir John it must have been hard. But I myself live in southern Cali, new to this site also, not much down here, a small renfaire is what we get, it starts in june though :( BUT you can pay 100 $ for lifetime pass which i must do. I will take pics next time

Sir John of Felsenbau:
After 2 years I am still finding it hard to be totally alone, no siblings or's one of the reasons I have gotten more involved in my hobby of knights and medieval history. I was hoping some of the members here lived in the Philadelphia area, so we could meet and discuss knights, etc. As well as mabye going to other Ren. Faires together.

Sir John


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