Main > The Great Hall

A good day to thee fellow knights.

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-05-20, 19:53:40 ---I had NO IDEA Pennsic was so HUGE...goodness, one could get lost in there!  I have GOT to get to one of these!  Now I gotta ask- what's the license plate mean?

Do you bathe while you're there or go full medieval and go without?  Didn't see any rivers or lakes, just a bank of port-a-johns.

I am just in awe over these pics...this looks like a real gas man.

--- End quote ---

Hehe, the license plate is using computer slang. "RTFM" is well known amongst programmers and system admins. It means "Read The F**king Manual". So with the word "why", I'm being a bit rebellious against that phrase. :)

Pennsic is definitely huge. I'm assuming you saw the panoramic shots from the hilltop? You can only see about a third of the site from there.

There are several ways to do Pennsic:

* You can get a nearby hotel room, but they fill up fast, and for miles. It's hard to get a room within 30 miles if you wait too long.

* Camp on site in the open-camping areas. You just pick out a spot where you can find room in one of those designated areas, and set up a tent. These areas are usually furthest from the central area where all the shops and food are. And it's a bit of a walk if you want to go use the solar showers.

* Camp with a group. There are many clans and households that get designated camping areas, and the bulk of the camping is divided up that way. When we go, we join a clan that is organized by one of my former co-workers. Some groups like this have their own heated showers, which is nice, but not all. Our group sets up a propane-heated shower.

The solar showers, from what I hear, can have lines, and the heat runs out quickly... and of course only works when the sun is out. The water always flows, it's just the heat that comes from the water pumping through boxes on the roof.

There is a pond on site, down in the lowlands, but uhm... yeah... you don't want to get in the water. Leeches and stuff. And slime, and gunk, and strange people.

One word of advice for when you go: pack clothes for all weather. And I mean ALL WEATHER. It'll be hot during the day most days. But the temperature frequently drops 20 or 30 degrees as soon as the sun hits the horizon, necessitating warm clothes as well. Rain is always possible of course. But some mornings have had snow and ice on rare occasions. And yes, it's in August. It has something to do with the altitude and its position near the mountains, or something. You have to be ready for anything.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Before my wife passed away, we used to stay overnight at the PA Ren Faire. I don't like doing a lot of driving, and with her MS she couldn't drive. I went with mys sister in law and two others, that way I didn't have to drive last year, since they were only spending the day.

Sir William:
Sir ever plan on going back?

Sir John, I am with you...I am no longer a fan of long-distance road trips, but am willing to travel for a good cause.

Sir Edward:

Oh yeah, we'll go back at some point, but not this year. Kat needs better garb for hot weather before we go back, so that's a limitation we need to work out first.

Sir William:
Sounds like a plan...I want to go as well; convincing my wife that it would be totally fun will take some doing.  She loves the Faires...but she isn't into it as much as I can be.


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