Main > The Great Hall

A good day to thee fellow knights.

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Sir Ancelyn:
Welcome Sir. John.

Living where you do have you ever been to Pennsic?

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I don't know where Pennsic is. Are all the members scattered in the area? I agree it would be nice to have a get together. I have a timeline of my real and equivalent knightly adventures...don't know if that can be posted, it's long. I sent a copy of a knights certificate to Ed. I told him I'm also working on a surcoat, shield, helm and pendant for Sir William Marshal. I've made a LOT of shield and surcoats over the past few  years and my helms, which I have embelished myself, are about 30 in number. Each shield and helm have been researched for a particular knight, which I have made a brief summary of each and have framed these all over my walls. You can see my walls there's so many framed summaries. More like a museum.

Sir Edward:
Cool! Feel free to post pictures and the like, if you'd like to share them. You can click "additional options" at the bottom while composing a message, and attach up to 4 files/images in a post. There's a size limit there, so for larger files and pictures, off-site hosting would be needed, such as Flickr or Photobucket for pictures.

Pennsic is an annual event held by the SCA (which is international in scope). The event is held in PA north of Pittsburgh, usually in early August. It's huge... as in, 10,000 to 15,000 daily attendance, with most camping on-site.

Here are pictures from the two years that we went to Pennsic:


Sir William:
I had NO IDEA Pennsic was so HUGE...goodness, one could get lost in there!  I have GOT to get to one of these!  Now I gotta ask- what's the license plate mean?

Do you bathe while you're there or go full medieval and go without?  Didn't see any rivers or lakes, just a bank of port-a-johns.

I am just in awe over these pics...this looks like a real gas man.


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