Main > The Great Hall

A good day to thee fellow knights.

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Sir Edward:
Yeah, major life changes can be hard to adapt to. I understand.

As you know, Sir Matthew lives up your way. A good many of us are in the DC area (between MD, VA, and WV). Everyone else is more distant.

I don't make it up to PARF very often, but it's been a while now, so I'd like to visit again. The Celtic Fling in the summer is particularly fun I think, since none of the other area faires are open at that time in the summer.

Sir William:
I'd definitely be willing to go to Celtic Fling since I've never been...but I've never been to any other Faires besides VA and MD.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-02-03, 14:26:46 ---After 2 years I am still finding it hard to be totally alone, no siblings or's one of the reasons I have gotten more involved in my hobby of knights and medieval history. I was hoping some of the members here lived in the Philadelphia area, so we could meet and discuss knights, etc. As well as mabye going to other Ren. Faires together.

Sir John

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The great thing about the internet, especially here, is that even though some of us are separated by literally an ocean, we can still carry on conversations here. There is no one "local" to me, less than an hour away, with the same interests. With a daily commute of roughly 100 miles, traveling an hour on the weekends is sometimes tiresome before I even get started. It makes it harder to have social events, but the forums is a great way to stay active in-between events.

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-02-03, 15:24:51 ---I'd definitely be willing to go to Celtic Fling since I've never been...but I've never been to any other Faires besides VA and MD.

--- End quote ---

Agreed. I was hoping to make PA last year, as I haven't been there before, but had lots of complications. This year should be no problem.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
That's true about the internet...shortens the distance greatly and one can communicate on similar subjects from people all over. But I still like the personal touch where those who live in the same area can get together.

Sir John

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-02-04, 15:08:26 ---That's true about the internet...shortens the distance greatly and one can communicate on similar subjects from people all over. But I still like the personal touch where those who live in the same area can get together.

Sir John

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I wholly agree with that sentiment! Although I am often verbose with text and technical communication when compelled to use it, I much prefer some simply dialogue with friends.  ;)


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