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Bad Parents!

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2009-12-18, 14:42:49 ---
To be faire (pun intended), MD isn't crawling with drunken idiots, bad security, or terrible kids. But after going more weekends than not, and wearing armor for many of them, eventually you accumulate stories of bad incidents.

So far I haven't been attacked by kids with wooden swords, though I've been whacked accidentally once or twice. I've had more problems with drunken adults, though thankfully that's been infrequent as well. The worst case (I know I've mentioned it before) was the drunken woman with a baby on her hip who did an open-palm punch to my face. Thankfully she didn't know what she was doing, because all it did was rotate the helm on my head without smashing my nose in. Other than that, it's been the occasional "is that real?" followed by a fist-strike on my pauldron, or a drive-by hit with a rolled up program, or something along those lines.

Forgive me if I've repeated myself. :)

--- End quote ---
Heh no need to apologize, I love that story...Reminds me of what happens to those more shabby and baser women rejects from the Jerry Springer show!  ;)

Sir William:
I've never been hit, but I walk around with a forbidding look most of the time...I don't mean to, its just how my face is laid out.  Unless I see someone I know, or something I like.  It serves its purpose because people generally leave me well enough alone; although I do enjoy the kids running up eagerly, wanting to touch the armor, ask me questions, that sort of thing.  I don't recall ever encountering belligerent children (or adults for that matter) but that may be just my luck.  I'm an advocate of taking a weapon from someone else's hands as a means of ending whatever madness is going on...take it and hit the offending parent with it, see how they like it.

Bad parents suck.

Sir Brian:
Well yesterday I had three younglings brandish their wooden swords at me and one exclaimed that they wanted to challenge me. I politely smiled and told them:
“You’ll only end up breaking your swords on my armor lads”
and then I turned back to the conversation I was having with some friends as way of dismissal. This tactic worked wonders as it gave them food for thought that they would be without their cool toy souvenir swords.

…Of course I’m glad I didn’t have to elaborate to them that I had fully intended to TAKE the swords from them and break them over an armored knee if they DID hit me. Some things are just better left unsaid!  ;)

Sir Edward:
Yeah, any time you're in armor, there's always the chance of someone (children, teens, or adults) getting stupid around you. But I find that it amplifies when you're in plate armor. When I'm in the mail, most of the interactions I get are the good kind, with kids being fascinated and the parents wanting pictures, etc. In plate armor, the drunks come out of the woodwork.

I wore my plate armor on Saturday this past weekend, and I had several groups of drunks approach me. One of the groups was irritating, doing things like grabbing the pauldron and flapping it up and down, saying "does this annoy you?" Another drunk guy dressed as a fairy (yes, you read that right) came running and jumped onto me. After my lady gave him a stern talking-to, he apologized.

I was talking to one of our faire friends later in the afternoon, and a guy came up and asked if it would be OK to hit the armor. If they ask, I don't mind it as much... but we both said to the guy "I don't think that's a good idea", and he proceeded to hit my breast plate anyway. He shook his hand off (clearly it stung), and get this... he then head-butted the breast-plate. He said "Ow! That hurt!" and walked away... We just shook our heads in amazement and said "what a dumb-ass".

I did have one "good" set of drunks approach me though. They were clearly wasted, but they were just amazed at the armor and genuinely wanted to know more about it, and asked good questions! Like, real and coherent questions... along the lines of what kind of rivets are in it, what gauge is the steel, total weight, questions about mobility, where do you get it, etc.

What a day. :)

Photo from Saturday:

Sir Patrick:
I've been following this thread for a while now, and I have to say I'm shocked at the amount of drunks wandering around what I am assuming to be the MDRF!  I've been going to faires for years (Indiana, Ohio, and now St. Louis  and have never seen people staggering around, accosting other patrons, or getting crazy in the parking lot afterward.  I know those faires are not as big as the MDRF, but they aren't exactly small events either.  Is this an isolated problem, or have I just been fortunate?  The faires I've mentioned are all pretty kid-friendly as well.  Is it just that the MDRF is geared more for grownups?


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