Main > The Round Table

Bad Parents!

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Sir Edward:

To be faire (pun intended), MD isn't crawling with drunken idiots, bad security, or terrible kids. But after going more weekends than not, and wearing armor for many of them, eventually you accumulate stories of bad incidents.

So far I haven't been attacked by kids with wooden swords, though I've been whacked accidentally once or twice. I've had more problems with drunken adults, though thankfully that's been infrequent as well. The worst case (I know I've mentioned it before) was the drunken woman with a baby on her hip who did an open-palm punch to my face. Thankfully she didn't know what she was doing, because all it did was rotate the helm on my head without smashing my nose in. Other than that, it's been the occasional "is that real?" followed by a fist-strike on my pauldron, or a drive-by hit with a rolled up program, or something along those lines.

Forgive me if I've repeated myself. :)

Sir Blackwolf:

I must say I have found this discussion somewhat amazing, for the simple reason that we have not had problems with this issue. Dame Dagrny and I were discussing it the other night and we came to the following conclusion; since we also act as Security at our Events we tend to maintain an area of awareness about our persons. Anyone coming toward us or within 10 feet our "guard" naturally goes up, we can only suppose our vigilance and demeanor has prevented these occurrences.

That being said I did have two amusing (for me, not them) instances some years ago. First a young lad, about 12 years old charged toward me with a toy sword brandished, I made no move to avoid him until he was close enough to disarm. Having done so he stood in shocked amazement, smiled broadly and said; “do it again”! The second was an adult who came up behind me unseen and grasped my sword hilt, I acted without thought and he found himself unhurt but face down upon the ground with his right arm pinned in an arm lock. He did apologize at that point, repeatedly.

I am at your service,
Sir Blackwolf

Sir Robert:
Of course Madmanpsu, we know each other, I wish you every blessing this holiday season, may you always find the sun on your face, friends at your back, and victory on the wind.

Sir Matthew:
   I whole heartedly return the blessings to you!  If you are wondering what to get me, a nice Burgeonet would be good, but I'll settle for a Morion.   ;)

Sir Jonathan KOFL:

--- Quote from: Sir James on 2009-10-21, 13:42:51 ---I'm ok with folks pounding and beating on armor, to a degree, but you never -ever- try to grab someone's weapon, especially if it isn't peace-tied like in our open demonstrations and events. The attention may be endearing, but I've had to explain to one too many folks, both kids and adults, that to attempt to take a knight's weapon was considered by many to be a mortal offense. The threat of a gauntleted backhand tends to shoo off the kids, a glare for sober adults, but I've had to throw a shoulder check or two on some drunk adults. I've got a squire who can take care of fingerprints, and I know how to clean my own weapons, but hands off the arms.

--- End quote ---
Yeah I can Put a real shine on steel too.


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