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Bad Parents!

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Sir Brian:
Time to rant!
Bad parents piss me off! I was in armor yesterday and came across a couple of mundane families that had three little bastards with those wooden swords. I was wearing my helm and had seen the three of them approach me, I thought they wanted to check out the armor or pose for a picture. They circled behind me and began to whack me with their swords! I snatched my helm off and told the oldest brat to stop hitting me and then glared at the parents who were at that time trying to put on a good show about being horrified and embarrassed by their little monsters. Since I’m wearing armor they of course didn’t hurt me but the complete lack of respect perpetrated by those heathens completely pissed me off and gives a strong argument for mandatory sterilization. What is worse is I have had more than one moronic parent, usually the father, tell his son to take his wooden sword and challenge the knight! I’ve noticed that occurs specifically at the Maryland Renaissance Faire, gives kind of a validation for that fair’s no weapon policy huh?

Oh and just for reference to all those idiotic types of dads: If your kid continues to hit me after I tell them to stop, I’m going to start hitting that idiotic dad and brother let me tell you that it is a BAD idea to fight bare knuckles with someone wearing steel! 

Sir Edward:

Oh man, that's just lovely. That's the thing that really gets me- The parents. Are they stupid? Do they just not care? How can they not realize they're raising their kids to be thugs if they don't set limits?

Yep, had one at Charlotte about 8yrs ago go to town on one of my boiled leather greaves with a waster. I think those damn things need to be outlawed from faires. Goes back to the kid in Charlotte
last year stepping on my spur shanks while dad thought it was funny....til I told him I was going to thug HIM if the brat didnt cease and desist. Now you know why some animals eat their young.....

Sir Matthew:
Wow, I must be really intimidating or maybe I just have better luck with this.  Except for the occasional person asking if they can hit me, I don't really recall ever having this kink of thing happen to me.  I have stopped more than one pair or group of kids with those damn wooden swords from swinging them about haphazardly or beating each other with them.  I the latter case, I usually only step in when they are swinging them wildly and risk hurting innocent bystanders.  If parents want to let their kids beat each other silly I'm all for letting them too.  I can almost always get the kids to stop, especially when I offer to teach them basic sword handling.  Most kids are thilled to learn how to use a sword from a real knight and when I throw in lessons like when to use the sword and obeying the rules (especially the no fighting on a faire day one) that almost always puts an end to the sword use.

Sir Edward:

I've had kids "attack" me at Halloween (great fun to stomp on the feet of the grim reaper?), but not in armor.

In armor, I've had adults hit my shoulder with their hand or a rolled up program as they walk past. The worst case though was a drunk woman with a baby on her hip who did an open-palm punch to the face of my helm, while I was wearing it. I ripped it off, and she reeled back to do it again, but stopped when she finally noticed I took it off and was giving her a "try it and die" sort of look. Now THAT is a bad parent!


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