Main > The Round Table

Bad Parents!

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I wish this happened/happens to me! I will be going to the texas ren fest in a month or so. My armour is munitions grade and a wooden sword would crack before my armour gave in. I would either do two things... 1. "Take your best shot kid!" and let him bust his sword in half. Or 2. The second time he swings just rip the thing out of their little hands and give it to the parents.

I don't really know what I would do, but parents let their kids control them now - a - days...

Sir Brian:
Yes I've resolved that should it happen again I will take the sword away from the child. If the kid's
dad protests then I'll offer him the chance to "take" it back while I'm tapping it menacingly in my hands,
otherwise I will turn the sword into security and let them worry about it.  ;)

It's not just kids.

Today a woman wanted to test the functionality of my hauberk and started jamming a stick into my ribcage. I stood there patiently and let her have her way with me. Then she punched my shield very hard with her bare hand.

Her friend then ran up and pulled her off, explaining that she had enjoyed one too many ciders.


Sir Edward:
On a couple of occasions someone would walk up and say "is that real?" while they halfheartedly hit my pauldron or breastplate, and then yelp "ow!!"

Serves them right.

Sir James (Fiat Lux):
I'm ok with folks pounding and beating on armor, to a degree, but you never -ever- try to grab someone's weapon, especially if it isn't peace-tied like in our open demonstrations and events. The attention may be endearing, but I've had to explain to one too many folks, both kids and adults, that to attempt to take a knight's weapon was considered by many to be a mortal offense. The threat of a gauntleted backhand tends to shoo off the kids, a glare for sober adults, but I've had to throw a shoulder check or two on some drunk adults. I've got a squire who can take care of fingerprints, and I know how to clean my own weapons, but hands off the arms.


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