sweet. now for the ties. take a long piece of material that is an inch or wide and fold it in on itself. now sew it around the bottom of your coif and knot the ends that way when u pull it tight it pulls from the entire bottom of the coif not just the ends
Really? I never knew that! That makes a lot of sense. Otherwise it just pulls the corners instead of really seats the coif on your head. Learn something new every day...
Neither did I. And that would explain why my coif and arming cap never quite seem to fit around the back. Seems some modifications are in order.
Yep, me either. Good info, since I want to get away from the basic "spider liner" and get a proper padded liner. I took an arrow to the knee ... I mean, mortschlag to the head, a couple times at the demo last weekend. One not only dented my helmet, it whacked hard enough that the helmet hit my head. Sooooo, padding is in order! (and a new helmet probably)