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What would you have been in the medieval age?

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Lord Tristin:
If I had been born in the Medieval Period I would have been of nobility. My ancestor's held land in the Cadiz region for centuries. I would have been a warrior of course, but also Wine maker and ship builder.

Tracing back ancestors to Charlemagne, Nobility, The 10th Earl of Umptysquatshire doesn't really mean much.  If you look at the branches of a family tree and how many splits occur between now and then, statistically, most everyone has some connection to someone who touched history.  I think people over-emphasize those connections and dismiss the other 100 that aren't as flashy.  I'm not trying to take away from your lineage, but understand that when you're 25 generations removed, so much else contributed to that family tree, that a single leaf from 750 years ago does not translate into anything substantive today. 

I guess this topic should really say 'What do you wish you would have been in the medieval age?' :)

Sir Wolf:
ooooooooh wish?

 then i'd be a king. why? cause i aint got $#% all over me

Lord Tristin:
Ian I see your point. However my bloodline runs back directly to nobility until the purge by Francisco Franco. My family was land owners and nobles before the foundation of Spain as a country. Not that it means anything anymore. as far as trades are concerned I would be very happy being a Bard. or perhaps a wine maker.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-04-18, 16:30:55 ---ooooooooh wish?

 then i'd be a king. why? cause i aint got $#% all over me

--- End quote ---

I'm with you. It's good to be the king. :)


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