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Author Topic: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?  (Read 149813 times)

Sir Martyn

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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #60 on: 2013-11-07, 22:32:45 »
Good discussion here.   First, well done, Dougla!

Ian - while I fully understand the importance of accuracy/portrayal display in LH, personally I lean toward inclusiveness if the ultimate goal of said undertaking is not to only carry on tradition and tradecraft, but also to teach and interest those outside our "niche" - especially the next generation  :D  BTW, where do you participate in LH?  It's an area I'd like to learn more about.
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #61 on: 2013-11-08, 00:28:19 »
Good discussion here.   First, well done, Dougla!

Ian - while I fully understand the importance of accuracy/portrayal display in LH, personally I lean toward inclusiveness if the ultimate goal of said undertaking is not to only carry on tradition and tradecraft, but also to teach and interest those outside our "niche" - especially the next generation  :D  BTW, where do you participate in LH?  It's an area I'd like to learn more about.

I started a new thread here so we don't take this thread too far of course :) :
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #62 on: 2013-11-11, 19:43:38 »
I really like that helm...if you don't mind me asking, where did you get it? I really love Great Helms and the shaping of it...

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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #63 on: 2013-11-11, 21:49:59 »
I really like that helm...if you don't mind me asking, where did you get it? I really love Great Helms and the shaping of it...

I made that one. It's styled after the Bolzano helm because I liked the Bolzano's somewhat "wide" look. The upper half is a bit tall, but for a prototype, I'm pleased with it.

Got the attachments worked out for the horns. I managed to get them fitted to the helm a tiny bit tighter than is shown here, but there are still a few small gaps in places. Nothing too bad, but I think I nice mantle would fix that. ;) Now I just have to figure out how I want to paint them. Decisions, decision. Probably would have been done a whole lot sooner if I didn't spend so much time trying to make up my mind. :P
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #64 on: 2013-11-11, 22:09:30 »

now how does it feel on the head? heavy? does it make your head roll to one side or the other? etc?

Don Jorge

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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #65 on: 2013-11-11, 22:47:38 »
You made it? I didn't know you were a smith! Do you take commissions because that looks a lot like what I want...even with the taller top...I am 6'5 and 375 lbs so it might be slimming to have a longer head :)

Sir Douglas

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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #66 on: 2013-11-12, 00:22:56 »

now how does it feel on the head? heavy? does it make your head roll to one side or the other? etc?

Surprisingly, no. It's pine so it really doesn't add that much weight. I think as long as the cap plate of the helm isn't balancing directly on the top of your head (which it shouldn't be if it has a liner and fits properly) it's pretty stable. I tried it on with just my arming cap and a mail coif before I put the liner in and it snugged up enough that it didn't wobble or anything.

I definitely wouldn't recommend wearing it indoors, though. :P Since you can't see them, you can't judge how far they are from, say, door frames or expensive, fragile valuables. Strong winds may also cause some problems, but for "average" use, it seems all right.

You made it? I didn't know you were a smith! Do you take commissions because that looks a lot like what I want...even with the taller top...I am 6'5 and 375 lbs so it might be slimming to have a longer head :)

Well, I wouldn't call myself a smith yet. I've really only just started. ;) But yes, if you're interested send me a PM, let me know what you had in mind, and we can discuss it. It would probably be best to have whatever you plan on wearing underneath it so I could custom size it to your specifications, but if you have any questions or whatever, let me know.
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #67 on: 2013-11-14, 01:40:46 »
My indecision has forced me against a brick wall, as it so often does. I really have no idea what colors/design I want to make this crest. So, I did a little bit of [very lazy] photo-shopping and came up with the attached image. Figured I'd do a bit of crowd-sourcing before settling on a design...assuming you guys don't mind me using you as my personal guinea pigs. :P
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #68 on: 2013-11-14, 02:15:58 »
From a purely aesthetic point of view, I'm drawn to the middle designs with the alternative black/gold or black/white.  I think I favor the black/gold (design E) because it's just a little more striking.  I'm not basing this on any historical knowledge, but just what catches my eye, so take that for what it's worth.

With the gold accented Teutonic cross on a surcoat, that would look very intimidating :)
« Last Edit: 2013-11-14, 02:17:25 by Ian »
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #69 on: 2013-11-14, 14:15:50 »

Photoshop is a wonderful tool for this sort of thing. :)

I too am really drawn to the middle designs, though I think "A" looks really good too. What's great is that they all have fantastic contrast against the black horns.
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #70 on: 2013-11-14, 14:40:51 »
I think B would look best with your kit...I never got around to messaging you...that GH you made is about exactly what I want :)

Sir James A

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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #71 on: 2013-11-14, 16:03:10 »
I'm partial to the black/white alternating (middle top) too. Partially because black/white are teutonic colors. If it was heraldic, I'd go with the black/gold alternating. It looks, to my eye, more like alternating feathers, instead of a "solid" piece.

I did the same kind of grid when I was deciding on my heraldry. :)
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #72 on: 2013-11-14, 17:06:30 »
Doesn't the later period Teutonic cross include the imperial arms of the HRE and add gold?  That's why I thought the gold could still fit with a Teutonic surcoat.
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #73 on: 2013-11-14, 17:18:41 »
What a fantastic helm  :) Really nice job. I think the shape and height of the top portion lend themselves to the wings perfectly.
 I too prefer the Black and gold stripes in the middle.
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Re: Teutonic great helm...now with wings?
« Reply #74 on: 2013-11-15, 09:20:24 »
That's a great looking helm you got there! As for the design, I'm torn between B and E.

But...I think I prefer I B.
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