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Satan as god's Judge, not his adversary.

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--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-03-29, 15:36:41 ---Seems the Original Poster hasn't been on since 3/18...anyone think he'll be back?

--- End quote ---

Good question. Perhaps we are not what he's looking for? Perhaps he had a bit of wind and simply lost his Web connection?

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-03-30, 17:25:07 ---
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-03-29, 15:36:41 ---Seems the Original Poster hasn't been on since 3/18...anyone think he'll be back?

--- End quote ---

Good question. Perhaps we are not what he's looking for? Perhaps he had a bit of wind and simply lost his Web connection?

--- End quote ---

Probably just needed to adjust the tin-foil on his head for better connection.

Sir Steven T.:
Putting all kidding aside, and reading through his original points, he represents in my humble opinion why modern orders of chivalry are needed more today than ever. I am a Reverend in the Universal Life Ministries. I seek to accept all faith and find the commonality in all. I believe that there is good in all people and religion as well as great potential for evil. I have seen darkness in my 42 years of life that can only be described as evil and deamons. There is so much anger, and angst in the youth of today. Its fed by politicians, media, a failed education system and loss of a family structure.  The greatest evils are always attempting to veil themselves with the appearence of good and justice. Just as Creation appears to all in a way that makes us the most comfortable, it's reasonable that evil too can appear any guise. It's sad that this individual chooses to embrace the darkest emotions of humanity as virtuous. That he mentions bringing harm to those who have crossed him in the past with the Black Arts, and finds beauty in what others would call attrocities of war.  As knights I feel it is important to respect others, but to also accept and recognize evil where it is found and fight it with whatever means necessary, be it with honest discussion and debate, with verbal agressiveness, with the sword when necessary, and last but not least understanding, prayer, and setting the example.
Thou shalt respect the weak and constitute thyself the defender of them
Thou shalt love the land to which thou hast sworn fealty
Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemies
Thou shalt make war upon evil without cessassion
Thou shalt scrupulously perform thy noble duties be they not contrary to the laws of the land
Thou shalt be generous and give freely to others
Thou shalt never lie and always be true to thy word
Thou shalt ever and always be the defender of the good and right angainst injustice and evil
This is the code to which i have sworn an oath, I fail from time to time to live up to it, but I swear I will never stop trying to.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I am a Reverend in the Universal Life Ministries. I seek to accept all faith and find the commonality in all. I believe that there is good in all people and religion as well as great potential for evil.
--- End quote ---

That is a balanced viewpoint and I have no problem with that since you have good intentions. 

--- Quote ---Thou shalt respect the weak and constitute thyself the defender of them
Thou shalt love the land to which thou hast sworn fealty
Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemies
Thou shalt make war upon evil without cessassion
Thou shalt scrupulously perform thy noble duties be they not contrary to the laws of the land
Thou shalt be generous and give freely to others
Thou shalt never lie and always be true to thy word
Thou shalt ever and always be the defender of the good and right angainst injustice and evil
--- End quote ---

Gautier eh?  Not bad of code choice.  Here is a Code I live by and it perfectly describes the religious aspects of Chivalry itself.

--- Quote ---his is the code to which i have sworn an oath, I fail from time to time to live up to it, but I swear I will never stop trying to.
--- End quote ---

We all do likewise, mistakes and rising again form our mistakes is proof of our humanity and willingness to go the extra mile to carve legacies that will be passed down from heirs, children, students and other Squires of the Order and those from outside the Order.

True words Sirs Joshua and Steven.
As a Catholic, and a Knight who finished his Accolade being called to "Rise as a Soldier of God" I too know that we must fight blatant, and indirect evil, wherever it may lie.
Though as one who at a point in his life walked through a darkness (though I never fell as to rebuke Christ in favor of evil) I can understand how many youth feel. For a large majority of them, they have simply lost the path. For all of my generation's many faults and failings, most of them are not truly evil. Many suffer from simple misunderstanding. Sir Omera (the original poster, for those late to the thread) seems to seek strength, and has given up on the moral basis for rightful possession of it.

Perhaps he could have been shown the great strength of goodness, perhaps he was reaching in the right direction by speaking to us about it.
Anyway, to cut to the chase, I believe that the most good can be done through speaking to those lost, showing them what they've been missing through logic and reason.


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