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Satan as god's Judge, not his adversary.

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Sir Steven T.:
Well said Sir. Nathan.
The Role of a Knight is very much a Role Model, probably moreso than a judge. I too have walked upon what many have said would have been dark, self destructive paths. My family and my code, and as time goes on more and more, my own faith help keep me grounded. One of the requirements for joining the Order to which i belong is a need for the Order in the individual's lives. I see day in and day out more of the failings of today's society can be directly tied back to the loss, some would even say the deliberate destruction, of those very things that make men and women strong and "grounded". Unfortunately where chaos exists, it's easy for evil in its many forms to offer what appears to be order.

Lord Tristin:
I will never Hide what  I am, I worship as my ancestors did.  I am a Celtic Pagan, and I follow the path of the Druid. I hate no man or woman or their beliefs. I strive to better myself and grow in wisdom, wisdom  I will gladly share with anyone. I have studied Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hindi, and many other esoteric religions and beliefs, including leVayin Satanism. They all have their wisdom they espouse, to disregard something wise simply because it comes from a different source is folly. On that note this young man may or may not know what he wants from life. But  I assure you money will not make you happy, I make good money, and it has nothing to do with my happiness.

Sir William:
Tristin, you mentioned in another thread that you're of Spanish ancestry?  I did not know that Celtic Pagans had spread to Spain- can you tell us more?

Lord Tristin:
Of course my friend, at one time before Christianity Celtic faith had spread from Ireland and Scotland to Spain and all the way east to Poland, just recently some Celtic ruins were found in Poland. and the ruins in Spain are well documented. Celtic faith is a religion and culture not a race as many believe. While it originated in north west Europe it spread all across the continent at one point.

Sir William:
That's interesting, I had not known that.  Although, come to think of it, I've read mention of Celt-Iberians, which would almost have to mean somewhere in or near the Iberian peninsula, thereby adding more weight to it...


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