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Satan as god's Judge, not his adversary.

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Joshua Santana:

Torah Observant Christian (or referred as Messianic Jew) here.  Any questions in regards to this, PM me.

--- Quote ---On the topic at hand, I think you'll find that your particular take on things may be in the minority here. However it certainly isn't lost on folks, that as warriors, knights and by extension Chivalry, are deeply entwined with mortality and the taking of lives. As C.S. Lewis put it, chivalry demands both ferocity and meekness, in full measure.
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I agree and that is the commonality in which this Brotherhood is established. 

--- Quote ---Principally, you seem to think that to be both strong and truly Christian is irreconcilable. I at one time struggled with my beliefs, and my desire to be powerful and strong. Knighthood and Chivalry is the joining, the marriage if you will, of those two concepts. To be strong for strength's sake is to lord it over others, but to hold strength with the oath, and commitment to use it for good, is a noble thing, and the idea at the core of Knighthood.
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Sir Nathan speaks Truth here and I also attest this as well.  Knighthood and Chivalry are complimentary to my beliefs without any adding or negating any set viewpoint or perspective.

--- Quote ---And the teachings of the Church are that Satan was the highest of God's creation, but he rebelled against God when he would not serve man, as part of God's plan. For that, Satan and his dark angels here cast into hell, where they seek to ruin and take with them to hell as many men as possible before the final judgment.
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This can also be found in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts as well.

Putting aside religious beliefs, if Honor is the common bridge in which we all can understand and respect each other, then I see no problem. 

"Putting aside religious beliefs, if Honor is the common bridge in which we all can understand and respect each other, then I see no problem. "

Amen to that, Sir Joshua! Well spoken!

Do you look at your belief as Mordred to King Authur, Phillipe le Bel and the Templars, Ivan IV and the Kievians,  the crudasing Orders v the 'heretics' (and there are many different things that could cause this to occur)?

THAT young Sir is what is forming your opinion.

In the first, hatred.
In the second, greed
In the third, malice and distrust
In the last fervor (good or ill)

In my 5 plus decades on this earth, I have found most of the 'satanists' (small s) are looking for a was to make a statement (much like the 'Occupy' movements), while the large S 'Satanists' are truely twisted individuals.

The medival view of 'Satan'  was 'loosely' based on Attila the Hun, also know as "The Scourge of God".

The opponent of God (Jehovah) in the Old Testament was Lucifer, an angel who was cast from God's pressence for attempting to usurp God's authority.

JRR Tolkien used a similar allegory in The Silmarillion.  Melkor plays the part of 'Lucifer'. 

fwiw, this comes from a lasped Lutheran.

Might is not always right, but right is  ;)

Mods, if I have stepped over the acceptable boundries, please feel free to edit or delete the entire post as you will.

Sir Edward:

You're fine for now. :)

I am keeping a close eye on this thread though. I'll step in when I need to.

Sir William:
Seems the Original Poster hasn't been on since 3/18...anyone think he'll be back?


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