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Satan as god's Judge, not his adversary.

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Jewish Atheist here.

I choose to walk the Path because I know I can choose not to.

(BTW history-wise the word "Ba'al" was an ancient god from a neighboring pantheon and became slang in Hebrew for "the other". Thusly Odin, Ganesh, Thunderbird, & Raiden would also be "Ba'al".)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2013-03-18, 22:40:02 ---Principally, you seem to think that to be both strong and truly Christian is irreconcilable. I at one time struggled with my beliefs, and my desire to be powerful and strong. Knighthood and Chivalry is the joining, the marriage if you will, of those two concepts. To be strong for strength's sake is to lord it over others, but to hold strength with the oath, and commitment to use it for good, is a noble thing, and the idea at the core of Knighthood.

--- End quote ---

Completely agreed here. "Core" is just the right word too. It's not about showing strength or ferocity for their own sake, but for the right cause. And to temper these with meekness where appropriate.

For a really great description of this, C.S.Lewis wrote an essay called "The Necessity of Chivalry", which you can read through Google-Books:

The Necessity of Chivalry

Lord Dane:
Greetings. Welcome to the forum. As I personally do not judge people for their views, beliefs, and/or practices ... I share in Sir Nathan's sentiments on how they reflect on one's morality and character. I am far from anyone to talk about being the most ideal person, it is our good nature that reflects our humanity and tends to decide what actions we take in regards to life. Perfecting oneself in a knightly manner means to self-improve in every aspect of yourself and tends to not be limited. But it should at least be a reflection of ideals that exemplify you in the eyes of others in a good sense of decency.

Goodwill, respect, fairness, etc are traits guided by your upbringing, beliefs, and person you are. Words and actions in contrast to one' s beliefs make a person 'hypocritical' or a 'liar' but in sync, make you consistent and truthful about yourself. I have seen both sides of this from my own self-reflection and what I do in life dealing with others. You are judged by the actions you take which will also decide if your deeds are in fact by virtue 'chivalrous'. Those in this forum attempt to reflect these ideals.

Sir William:
Welcome to the site, Omera.  Had some questions.

--- Quote from: Sir Omera on 2013-03-18, 19:48:53 ---I'm a satanist. I'm 19, live on my own with a LuciFARIAN (think Luciferianism as in enlightenment, than FARIAN as in Rasta). I work, and pay bills. I do not sit in my SSI sponge mother's basemen hexing people at a black candle. An assumed role of justice is taken when black magick is needed, and people have been beat and sent to jail for bothering me
--- End quote ---

This interests me- how did they bother you and how were they served?  Also, it seems you have little respect for your mother; I find that troubling to say the least, but to each their own.

--- Quote ---I'm a Satanist, but I believe in god, for the prescribed reason above. The world is too complex, and too intricate, and too beautiful for us to say god doesn't exist, even if he is merely our creation-
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When presenting opinions, it is best if you describe it as such, if only so as not to appear a charlatan.  Besides, if God is merely a creation, then by that logic so is Lucifer and all the rest.  Interesting, that.

--- Quote ---In my eyes, gushes of blood in the midst of war, severed heads mounted on pikes of a tyrannical lord of the estate, are equally as beautiful parts of nature as insights of compassion on psychedelics, or meditatively seeing a unity that can't be described in words, and known best summed up as 'beauty'.
--- End quote ---
So...wanton brutality compares to an ecstatic high achieved by the use of hallucinogenics?  That's not necessarily an interesting idea, but it serves as a beacon into what drives you as a human being.

--- Quote ---But people have forgotten the necessary virtue of Severity. They've also forgotten the virtue which took us from barbarism to civilization- Empire (whether through economics or force, and yes I consider this a personal name for a personal virtue despite empire being a noun). Too much talk of peace is done while just enough of the world doesn't care and wants to drop nuclear warheads on their neighbors. Too much talk of charity, when most of these charities are untrue to where their funds go. Mankind has forgotten that he is a warrior. Mankind has forgotten that life is war, and so he seeks to end the cycle of life by ending war, and this can mean only one thing: Everybody dies, ensuring that war no longer exists.
--- End quote ---

Tell us, if you would- what is your world experience?  By that I mean- what have you yourself experienced, beyond anything you might have read or heard on tv?

--- Quote ---I am pro feminist, the devil is a gentleman.
I believe in order.
I believe in the Law, whatever the truth of the Law may be.
--- End quote ---

You say in the beginning that the meaning behind Satan is lost on us, as it is now just a synonym for evil and yet- you use a descriptor that seems to impart said view despite your stating otherwise.  A notable word choice, lets call it.  And let us visit the italicized remark- that the devil is a gentleman.  How could you know that?  What makes you think so?  Unless of course, you are using it to describe yourself- the qualifying remark being that you are pro-feminist OR you are approaching it from the standpoint that Lucifer is just another construct in which case he can be however you want him to be but it begs the question- what do you truly believe in? 

You mention that you believe in the law, whatever the truth of the law might be- tyrants have used much the same ideology to catastrophic effect; you might be familiar with the term 'just following orders' - I imagine you might since that is in effect what you are espousing here.  That is, regardless of the law, or its justice (or lack thereof), you believe in it- and most likely will follow along because of said belief.  Does that make you free-thinking as it seems you would like to be considered, or an automaton free of the concerns of man with regard to thought, action and consequence?  The Nazis aspired to the same principles...that they also dabbled in the black arts is probably of no surprise to you, is it?

Me, I'd rather rely on my intellect and wit to know the right and wrong of a situation, rather than having it spoonfed to me by someone else, be they terrestrial or otherworldy in origin; but that is just me.  Nice to have met you.

Welcome Good Sir To The Forum.


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