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Satan as god's Judge, not his adversary.

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Sir Omera:
The original hebraic named of 'Satan' means 'accuser'. Muslims associate anything 'satan' as evil, meaning if you were caught being an infidel, a muslim may tell you "Be banished back to the depths you satans!", but this is where the meaning of the word is lost.

Satan was far from an agent of evil, and originally his job was to judge men after death to see whether they would be permitted to enter heaven or not.

I've presented a radical view for a chivalry forum, and here I will tell about myself.

I'm a satanist. I'm 19, live on my own with a LuciFARIAN (think Luciferianism as in enlightenment, than FARIAN as in Rasta). I work, and pay bills. I do not sit in my SSI sponge mother's basemen hexing people at a black candle. An assumed role of justice is taken when black magick is needed, and people have been beat and sent to jail for bothering me (by other, unaffiliated people- Nergal dislikes crackhead ghetto school bullies, and I'm sure the underworld slavemaster god of fucking people up had no problem performing the task- get back in line, -peasant-.)

I'm a Satanist, but I believe in god, for the prescribed reason above. The world is too complex, and too intricate, and too beautiful for us to say god doesn't exist, even if he is merely our creation supposed to have created us. In my eyes, gushes of blood in the midst of war, severed heads mounted on pikes of a tyrannical lord of the estate, are equally as beautiful parts of nature as insights of compassion on psychedelics, or meditatively seeing a unity that can't be described in words, and known best summed up as 'beauty'.

But people have forgotten the necessary virtue of Severity. They've also forgotten the virtue which took us from barbarism to civilization- Empire (whether through economics or force, and yes I consider this a personal name for a personal virtue despite empire being a noun). Too much talk of peace is done while just enough of the world doesn't care and wants to drop nuclear warheads on their neighbors. Too much talk of charity, when most of these charities are untrue to where their funds go. Mankind has forgotten that he is a warrior. Mankind has forgotten that life is war, and so he seeks to end the cycle of life by ending war, and this can mean only one thing: Everybody dies, ensuring that war no longer exists. 

I am pro feminist, the devil is a gentleman.
I believe in order.
I believe in the Law, whatever the truth of the Law may be.

That is all for now.

Sir Edward:
Hey there, welcome to the forum!

I should note that discussions of religion in general are considered "off topic" and beyond the scope of this forum (politics are in this category too, as an aside). However, as an introduction of yourself, or within the scope of how it relates to chivalry or knights is certainly permissible. I just want to point this out again to everyone so that replies and further discussion in this thread can be kept within the bounds of what the forum permits.

On the topic at hand, I think you'll find that your particular take on things may be in the minority here. However it certainly isn't lost on folks, that as warriors, knights and by extension Chivalry, are deeply entwined with mortality and the taking of lives. As C.S. Lewis put it, chivalry demands both ferocity and meekness, in full measure.

One of the more compelling recruitment tools during the Crusades was the idea that by taking a pilgrimage to the holy land, or serving in the crusades, could serve as a form of absolution for your prior deeds. Many knights were conflicted about being both a good Christian, and a killer, and so it was desirable to seek absolution.

How these historical elements become reflected in a modern sense of chivalry is part of the challenge, to interpret it into the modern world in a meaningful way while still preserving the spirit in which it was created.

EDIT: One thing that I will add is that personally, it seems that satanism is directly at odds with Chivalry. Am I correct in that it primarily is about doing what you want to do, what compels you personally? Chivalry is more about doing what is right for others.

Sir Omera:
I don't propose to know whats 'true'. I might be closer to the attitude of the more tyrannical knights, the bossy, arrogant, law-enforcing type.

It doesn't matter to me, Knights are just inspiring. And like occultism, like satanism, the source of the path is what inspires you to go on the path.

I'll probably meditate on virtues, some of my own making.I'll probably structure it to something relevantly occult, such as Mercy/Severity on the tree of life, and devise rituals for the goal of attaining them  in the spirit.

I used to be a stereotypical 'black magick' kiddy and moved on to the higher goals of transcendence and getting money.

Many say money is the 'root of all evil', but a nation without money is called third world, and evil things happen there. They have less than other countries, and are constantly troubled with internal strife. Nobody wants to invade them, usually, because they have nothing worth invading for.

"One thing that I will add is that personally, it seems that satanism is directly at odds with Chivalry. Am I correct in that it primarily is about doing what you want to do, what compels you personally? Chivalry is more about doing what is right for others."

Yes, I too am really wondering about this.

Welcome. I myself am Roman Catholic, so we will probably find ourselves at opposite ends of most viewpoints, though I hope it would have no bearing on natural and good civility and reasonable discourse.

Principally, you seem to think that to be both strong and truly Christian is irreconcilable. I at one time struggled with my beliefs, and my desire to be powerful and strong. Knighthood and Chivalry is the joining, the marriage if you will, of those two concepts. To be strong for strength's sake is to lord it over others, but to hold strength with the oath, and commitment to use it for good, is a noble thing, and the idea at the core of Knighthood.

And the teachings of the Church are that Satan was the highest of God's creation, but he rebelled against God when he would not serve man, as part of God's plan. For that, Satan and his dark angels here cast into hell, where they seek to ruin and take with them to hell as many men as possible before the final judgment. 

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Omera on 2013-03-18, 21:22:34 ---And like occultism, like satanism, the source of the path is what inspires you to go on the path.
--- End quote ---

He who walks the Path simply to reach the Source has missed the entire point of the Path from the very first step of the journey.


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