It was a hell of a good day with typical late spring weather for the Sierras. Sir Mari was the only Knight fighting and many of us were secretly hoping she would win though, lets face it, there were many fine people in that list. I was invited over to the knights side and thus was honored to fight on the Challenged field with her.
Finals was just amazing with Master Brocc of Alderden watching everything (still asking if he could help out, pelican he is through and through) while Fearghus mac Airt's, the other finalist, wife Sylvie la Chardonnière watched with baited breath (though they live in the Principality of Mists they love Cynagua with all their heart).
Several times did Sir Mari try to use Evil Knightly Tricks on Fearghus but he was having none of it so it came down to the purest things: Heart, Skill, Courage, and Endurance. Sir Mari had just a wee bit more than Fearghus Mac Airt that day and thus became Victorious.
But Feargus has now been to the dance, and has learned his missteps, next time he may not make them again.
(Below is a picture of both contenders, Fearghus was on then Queen Mari's Guard at the time)