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The Order of the Marshal, knightings

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
I tried to send a message to Sir Matthew to see when he is planning to be knighted, but maybe I'm not doing the messaging correctly. I met him at the PA Ren Faire this past October. I know he's from north of me, so I thought if he wanted to get knighted at the same time as's less distance for you guys to travel.

Sir John

Sir Matthew:
I got your message, Sir John, but I have been very busy and just have not had time to return it. I'll send my reply in a minute here. Even though this is the "off season" here in Pa., I find myself as busy or busier than when Faire season was in full swing!

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Fellow knights,

Sir Edward said that I need three knights to sponsor me for my knighting. I have tried to show you all that I am an active member contributing to the organization with my "knight of the week." Are there 3 knights who would sponsor me? I would like to get knighted this spring, and am fixing up a "knighting room" in a William Marshal/Modern Chivalry theme...and my dining room as a medieval banquet room. After the knighting ceremony, we can toast with a bottle of Mead that I got from the PA Ren Faire, then have pizza (with medieval music in the background). After the pizza, I will show the movie I made about knights (lasts 1 1/2 hours) and is called: "The Tale of Sir John and the Rascals of Bihor." Please let me know if you are interested in sponsoring me. I will be glad to answer any questions that you may have.

I remain your most obedient servant,

Sir John

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-01-22, 19:01:57 ---Fellow knights,

Sir Edward said that I need three knights to sponsor me for my knighting. I have tried to show you all that I am an active member contributing to the organization with my "knight of the week." Are there 3 knights who would sponsor me? I would like to get knighted this spring, and am fixing up a "knighting room" in a William Marshal/Modern Chivalry theme...and my dining room as a medieval banquet room. After the knighting ceremony, we can toast with a bottle of Mead that I got from the PA Ren Faire, then have pizza (with medieval music in the background). After the pizza, I will show the movie I made about knights (lasts 1 1/2 hours) and is called: "The Tale of Sir John and the Rascals of Bihor." Please let me know if you are interested in sponsoring me. I will be glad to answer any questions that you may have.

I remain your most obedient servant,

Sir John

--- End quote ---

Sir John,

I sent you a message back on 11/27 which said:

--- Quote ---One last thing - I saw you posted in the Knight of the Week thread that you were nominated for membership - I wanted to make sure that you know I made the nomination, but others agreed, you have all the sponsors you needed, and you are an official member of the Order. Sir Edward sent you a message to let you know - I hope you received it. Congratulations and welcome to the Order.
--- End quote ---

I did not receive any reply to it, so I am not sure if you saw it or not. You were sponsored as a Yeoman in the Order on November 22nd 2011 by myself and Sir Nathan. The guidelines say you need to be a Yeoman for 90 days before being knighted; by spring it will have been well past the 90 days and at that point you will be eligible for sponsorship as a knight. I don't foresee any problems in you getting 3 sponsors; it is just a matter of time until the 90 days have passed, and can't occur before then.

I would like to be at your knighting ceremony, however I have conflicts for 3 out of 4 weekends in Feb and every weekend in March (birthday, then out of state wedding, then theoretically honeymoon for 2-ish weeks). April is completely open for me, though. Did you have a particular weekend in mind during the spring you'd like to have your knighting?

Joshua Santana:
My congratulations goes out to Sir Nathan!

I am proud of you my brother in arms and I hope you continue to live your life by the Code of Chivalry.

My congratulations is extended to Sir James as well.

To say that this is a reminder of who we are and what we strive to become would be enough to summarize these two knightings.

The time in which I will be knighted will come in its proper time and place.  At the moment I must fulfill my parents wishes and I must continue in my training to become a Knight.

Glory to the Brave!


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