Main > The Round Table

Knight of the week

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week'd knight of the week: "ReichsRitter Eberhard Booe" - The Booe family is documented as far back as 1201 being a family of nobility.  Eberhard was born in 1298 and died in 1393. (yea...a long life to say the least) His father was a Malta Knight who died in battle in Jurusalem. Eberhard was the first of the Knightly family to became a "Free Imperial Knight" of the Holy Roman Empire. Free Imperial Knights arose in the 14th century and were subject only to the Emperor alone! The knights were organized into 3 circles; Eberhard was from the Swabian Circle. The Imperial Knights were called very often to war by the Kaiser and won signifixant influence in the Military and Administration of the Empire. They were free from Imperial taxes and were not required to quarter troops.

Eberhard's father and grandfather carried a shield which displayed a goat...which was due to the fact that the original name was "Bock" which means goat. The name was later changed to "Booe." Eberhard carried his own coat of arms which was an inverted cresent with 3 six pointed stars. It was normal for the Imperial Knights to center their arms on the Emperor's arms.

Sir Wolf:
101? wow

Sir William:
101 what?

Joshua Santana:
i think Sir Wolf is amazed at how old ReichsRitter Eberhard Booe died, in which he died at the age of 101. That is amazing. 

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Joshua Santana on 2012-07-17, 19:30:25 ---i think Sir Wolf is amazed at how old ReichsRitter Eberhard Booe died, in which he died at the age of 101. That is amazing. 

--- End quote ---

He died at age 95


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