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Knight of the week

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
I always try to do the best I can in whatever I do. When my wife was alive, we used to visit elderly shut ins from our church...especially at christmas, and I would make they a stocking with each item inside individually wrapped.

Sir John

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's Knight of the week: "Sir Magnus Billich" - The Billich was a dynasty of Saxon noblemen in the 9th through the 12th canturies. The family was centered around Luneburg; the city of Celle there became famous as the city of the Pied Piper of Hamelin! Hence the Billichs took the rat as their coat of arms. The Billichs became the Dukes of Saxony. The last duke was Magnus, (born 1045; died 1106) from 1072-1106. In 1070, before he became duke, he joined Otto of Nordheim, duke of Bavaria, in rebellion against King Henry IV. The rebellion was put down the following year and Magnus was captured and imprisioned. He was not released until the recapture of Luneburg.

In 1073, Harzburg was destroyed and the anger of Henry aroused. The conflict was renewed and Magnus was captured again in 1075. After being released again, and he joined Rudolf von Rheinfeld, Duke of Swabia, and at the Battle of Mellrichstadt, (1078) Magnus saved Rudolf's life. In 1080, the Pope excumunicated Henry and Rudolf became King, however Rudolf was mortally wounded in his last battle and died soonafter.

This led once again to a flare up of the conflict and Magnus this time was killed (1106)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's Knight of the week: "Sir Durad II Balsic" - The house of Balsic ruled a section of Northern Montenego and northern Albania. Before the Balsics, the area was ruled by Emperor Dusan (1331-1355) and then his son: Emperor Dusaniz (the "iz" meaning son of....1355-1371) [I mention this because some of my distamt relatives had the name Dusaniz, including my grandmother] From 1356-1402 the area (known then as Zeta) was a principaity. Balsa I was the first ruler. He had two sons: Durad I and Balsa II. Durad II (born before 1371) succeded to the rule of Upper Zeta  from 1280-1385. Durad's uncle, Balsa II was killed in battle in 1385, and Durad II inherited the rest of the principality.

In 1388, the Ottomans invaded Zeta where he suffered defeat. War between Zeta and the Ottomans continued untill 1396, with Durad II as the victor. After the signing if the treaty in that year, Emperor Sigismund appointed Durad II Prince of Dalmatia, to honor him in his battles against the Ottomans. But in 1399 war again broke out, and 1403, Durad II died of wounds suffered in battle.

His titles at his death were: Head of the House of Balsic, Prince of Zeta and the Coast, Prince of Hvar , Prince of Dalmatia and Prince of Korcula. He was succedded by his son.

(So two of my ancestors: Dusaniz and Tomasevic are possibly decended of royalty)

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---(So two of my ancestors: Dusaniz and Tomasevic are possibly decended of royalty)
--- End quote ---

That is awesome!

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Thanks...I haven't been able to trace my family lines back that far...but the prospect sounds exciting.

Sir John


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