Main > The Round Table

Knight of the week

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Sir William:
Interesting story and one I've never heard before; thank you for sharing it, Sir John.

Sir Patrick:
Yes, thanks for sharing.  I look forward to your weekly additions.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Thanks for all your interest...I have enough knight sets to go for quite a long time.

This week's knight: "Sir Pierre de Rochefort (Rieux)." He was born in 1389, the younger son of Jean de Rieux and Jeanne de Rochefort, Accoring to their marriage contract, their son took her last name. In 1403 Pierre was squire of Duke Jean V of Brittany and later was knighted.  In 1415 he became Governor of St, Marlo, and in 1417 his father died and he took over as Marshal of France and inherited the Castle of Rochefort. Pierre was in Paris when the city was captured by the Burgundians.

In 1419 he campaigned in Angoumois and tried to reach Normandy. But he was captured and taken prosioner and taken to England. After paying his ransom, he returned to France and continued fighting. He captured Avranches and helped lift the seige of Orleans in 1429, (Where he fought alongside "Joan of Arc".) In 1435 he defended Saint-Denis besieged by the English and assisted in the liberation of Paris in 1436. In 1437 he took  Dieppe and in 1438, forced the English to lift the seige of Harfleur, but on returning to Paris he was captured and thrown in prison,. where he died of an epidemic a few months later in 1439.

His titles were: Lords of Rochefort, Rieux, Acerac, Derval, Largouet, Herbignac and Yeux, as well as being Marshal of France.

Sir William:
What would be the correct expression of his CoA?

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Syr William on 2011-08-29, 13:50:59 ---What would be the correct expression of his CoA?

--- End quote ---

What Sir John has painted looks like "Vairy of Or and Azure".


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