Main > The Round Table

Knight of the week

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Hey, this inspires me. We  need to gather together a few conroi of the Knights of the Order of Saint Lazarus, and convince the Saracens that we have a whole army of ZOMBIE KNIGHTS!!!!!!        8) 8) 8)

Joshua Santana:
The story of El Cid is a story that has inspired me to view Chivalry with a more serious intention.  His story is amazing and best of all his story amazed me when I read the Poem of the Cid, it is an amazing poem.  I am proud to say that he is a chivalric role model of mine.  Huzzah Sir John!  Well Done! 

Sir James A:
That's an awesome story!

Sir John, have you seen the movie "El Cid", from the 60s? If you have, what did you think about it?

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Sir John, have you seen the movie "El Cid", from the 60s? If you have, what did you think about it?
--- End quote ---

I have the movie!  It is a very long film but it is worth the watch.  In regards to its historical accuracy, many historians say that it is more tied with the legend of the Cid rather than the historical Cid.  To me, it seems to be a combination of both rather than being one sided. Still it is a great film and something to keep the kids away(or should I say distracted) from the video games or the computer, texting or facebooking on the cell phones.  ;)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir Wolf,

Thanks...but eventually I will run out of knight house only has so much room. Did you get me message about the knighting sponsorship? I've already met Sir Matthew and he said once he is knighted he will be one of my sponsors for my knighting ceremony.) It looks like I'm not going to be able to get to the PA Ren Fr this year.

I remain your most obedient servant,

Sir John


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