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Knight of the week

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Joshua Santana:
Ah yes, Joan of Arc.  Her story is an amazing one indeed.  Thank you Sir John!

Sir Edward:

Joan of Arc is a really fascinating story. She was never actually knighted, but I think she probably would have been eventually (there are a rare few other cases of women being knighted, so IMHO I think she would have managed it sooner or later, with her wit and charisma).

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---She was never actually knighted, but I think she probably would have been eventually (there are a rare few other cases of women being knighted, so IMHO I think she would have managed it sooner or later, with her wit and charisma).
--- End quote ---

To me, I think she would have been knighted (if she lived a bit longer) and she would have done the job right. 

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's Knight of the week: "Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar" - Better known as "El Cid." He was born around 1043 in the Kingdom of Castile/Leon. As a boy he was brought up in the court of Prince Sancho, one of King Fernando's sons. In 1063 the prince dubbed him as a knight. He went with the Prince to lift the seige of Graus in the same year. In December of that year King Fernando divided his kingdom into two...Sancho was crowned King Sancho II of Castile. He appointed Rodrigo his chief marshal. In 1068, war broke out with Leon. Rodrigo led Sancho's Army but the battle ended in a stalemate. In 1071 Rodrigo was involved in a trial by combat to settle a boundary dispute between Navarra and Castile. Rodrigo won nand from then on was called "El Campeador" (The Great Warrior). In 1072 Sancho and his brother were at war again. Sancho was captured, but was rescued by Rodrigo. Sancho won the war and imprisoned his brother. Later that year one of Alfonso's knights slipped into Sancho's camp and killed him.

In 1074, Rodrigo married Alfonso's neice and he served Alfonso in important posts. In 1081 Alfonso went off to lay a seige but Rodrigo was sick and did not join him. An army of Moors soon invaded Castile and Rodrigo fought them, taking 7,000 prisoners. The nobles became even more jealous of him and accused him of antagonizing the Moors and convinced Alfonso to banish Rodrigo from Castile. In 1085 Alfonso set out to rule all Spain, but he lost badly. Alfonso asked Rodrigo to return, which he did, and was given great honors.  But in 1089, Rodrigo's enimes convinced Alfonso to banish him again. In 1090 the Moors came back and Alfonso and Rodrigo again reconcilled. In 1094, the Moors surrendered to Rodrigo. The Moors called him "El Cid" (The Chief). Late in 1096, Rodrigo again won a great battle against the Moors. In 1098 Rodrigo won yet another great victory against the Moors. But Rodrigo's luck ran out in 1099 when an arrow mortally wounded him in another great battle. He intended to ride out even if dead! During the night he died, and following his orders, Rodrigo's body was tied to his horse and it was sent out at the head of the army. The Moors believed he had come back from the dead and they fled to the sea and 20,000 were drowned trying to get to their ships! They were completely defeated never to return again!

King Alfonso recognized Rodrigo as the nobelest knight in his entire kingdom!

Sir Wolf:
wow too cool


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