Main > The Round Table


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I am from Tulsa, Ok. I claim the OKRF of Muskogee as my home.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir Gerard,

(Hope I spelled that correctly) My grandfather was born in Yorkshire, England. He moved to the US when he was young.

Sir John

Sir Gerard de Rodes:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-07-14, 14:22:04 ---Sir Gerard,

(Hope I spelled that correctly) My grandfather was born in Yorkshire, England. He moved to the US when he was young.

Sir John

--- End quote ---

Sir John.
Where abouts in Yorkshire did your Grandfather hail from?


Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir Gerard,

Bradford. Had to check my family tree...which is posted in my hallway. (I also have the tree for my late wife...her grandfather was of a line of hereditary blacksmiths to Count Czeckonich in Banat)- I researched it on line and have all the photos of the counts posted too.

Sir John

I live just outside of Atlantic City, but I was born and spent most of my life up by Ulrich, in Plainfield.


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