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Sir Gerard de Rodes:
My Good Sir John,
I live in Cheshire, in the north west of England. Very close to the border between England and Wales. The main city of the county is Chester, which was Edward I`s base for most of his campaigns into Wales.


Sir John of Felsenbau: guys are from all over...would be hard to have a place for a meeting. I still haven't heard from the guy who lives in North Philly. This year it will be easy to recognize me at the PA Ren Faire, since I was talked into going as Royalty...but only as a prince...don't want to upstatge the queen. And my friends will be dressed as my retainers...still too far away to set a date. Last year we went the first Saturday in October.

Sir Ulrich:
I live in Middlesex New Jersey and pretty much I hate where I live. West of here in Mercer isn't too bad though. Only good thing about living here is everything in this state is closeby, but the traffic is pretty bad....

Sir William:
Sir Ulrich, I know that area...must've passed through there over a hundred times on my way back and forth between here and NY to see family.  I agree on the traffic...even on the weekends it sucks, but not nearly as bad as during the week.  Had the distinct misfortune to be stuck on the NJTP during morning rush hour...and I thought I was being smart leaving after the weekend was over.  lol

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I still haven't heard from the member who lives in North Philly. Did I hear wrong about the location?


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