Main > The Round Table

My coat of arms

<< < (20/22) > >>

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir James,
So is squire Chris coming? I will need him to send me his address then. Please keep me updated...and I prefer not to have any major changes so close to the knighting, as I am going to a lot of work to set it up.


Sir John

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sorry for another message, but does Chris have a coat of arms? (That is, if he is coming>)

Sir John

Sir Edward:
He hasn't worked out a CoA yet, no.

I think the 27th is OK for me.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2013-02-25, 22:22:38 ---Sir James,
So is squire Chris coming? I will need him to send me his address then. Please keep me updated...and I prefer not to have any major changes so close to the knighting, as I am going to a lot of work to set it up.


Sir John

--- End quote ---

The 27th should be good for me, however I am not certain on arrival time, it will depend on my work schedule and when I can get out the day before.

Squire Chris is a "likely". I will try to confirm with him this week. Since the 27th is also the day of the Arts festival, he may not be coming. As for his address, you could mail it to me and I'll get it to him (he lives with multiple other people). We will try to get details ironed out soon.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir James,

Thank you for the update. I do need a head count as soon as possible, because I have to set up the dining room table, which will be quite elaborate and cannot be done at the last minute.

Let me know about Chris, and if you can find out exactly how many will be coming. I was hoping that the members can arrive about 11am....there would be a delay since they are not all coming in one car. Then about 45 minutes for the knighting, a break when we order the pizza, then at least 45 minutes to eat. I will be serving non-alcoholic beer. It really tastes like real beer. I don't want anyone getting drunk and driving.

One more thing...I have a dog, who is wary of strangers, so the smaller the group the better. You guys should be Ok with her...just let her sniff you.

Sir John


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