Main > The Round Table

My coat of arms

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
I was just wondering when my coat of arms will be posted on your roster. I did send Ed a copy and he sent one back for my approval, which I gave.

Sir Edward:
Hi there! The order roster is for members, so you'll have to look into joining the order first. The nutshell version of how that works is that you need two knights to sponsor you for membership. Up until this week we didn't have any knights, so we were a bit crippled by our rules. Now we have a few. The best way to get sponsors right now is to participate here on the forum and let us all get to know each other.

On the other hand, there's also the "Knight Pages" section of the website. You can post whatever you like there, since you're already a member of the forum.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Well, I have been posting and think I have a lot to give to the organization. Since Matthew was the one who steered me to this site, and I have sommunicated with Ed via his private e-mail, would those two be willing to stand for me as a knight? Thanks.

P.S. I do have a copy of the creation (text) of a knight that they did back then. I also have other things relating to knighting, white surcoat, red hooded cape, etc. (If one wanted to do the knighting thing properly. (I sort of wrote a treatise on Knighthood)

Sir Edward:

Good, good. Did you say you're near the PA renfaire? Maybe we can meet up there this year? I forget what the dates are. Doesn't it open in August?

Feel free to join in on more conversations here. You'll find we're all very friendly and chatty.

Matthew hasn't been knighted yet, but he's a founding member. Please bear with us since we're really just getting started. But we definitely would like to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2011-06-13, 16:40:58 ---(I sort of wrote a treatise on Knighthood)

--- End quote ---

I would be interested to read it if you are willing to post and share it with us. :)


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