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Author Topic: New to this World...  (Read 48112 times)


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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #30 on: 2013-11-07, 21:26:49 »
I wonder if that Gambeson is even historically accurate for late 14th century...

From what we know about late 14th century arming garments, the short answer is absolutely not.  Late 14th century arming garments are generally done in the style of the Charles de Blois pourpoint (a surviving garment of the appropriate era).  The gambeson photo you linked would work fine as a foundation for a maille hauberk, but would fail as an anchor point for plate harness.

To function properly an arming doublet worn under plate armor must girdle the hips and waist in a way to support the full weight of a leg harness without transferring that weight to the shoulders.  It's critical for proper fit, function and comfort.

If you really want to know about proper arming doublets of the late 14th century I recommend reading my thread on myArmoury about he Charles de Blois reproduction I did.  Particularly the first thread, and my response later in the thread to a gentlemen named Julian to whom I respond to about proper fit:


This is my arming doublet and harness and without that garment, none of this would work properly:

« Last Edit: 2013-11-07, 21:32:25 by Ian »
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Sir James A

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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #31 on: 2013-11-07, 22:43:13 »
As far as adding mail to the plate harness, something to keep in mind here also is how that changed over the centuries. In the 14th century, the plate armor was worn over a haubergeon. However, in the 15th and 16th, they reduced weight by putting the mail only inside the gaps of the plate armor, instead of wearing a haubergeon and then covering it with plates. This often was comprised of "voiders", which are sections of mail that cover the armpit and often inside the elbow as well, "standards" which are essentially mail gorgets to protect the neck, and mail faulds that are basicaly short skirts to protect the groin and upper thigh area.

Perhaps I should finish up my voiders and post an appropriate picture of standard, voiders and fauld in the near future...
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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #32 on: 2013-11-07, 23:19:14 »
Welcome, Jorge!  I can tell you that even with LARP groups, some of them are picky and won't give you credit for what only "looks" real.  The big German LARPS have a nice compromise system with reduced protection for "decorative" armor made from fiberglass, latex, etc.  Like you, I've also tried to put together kit that can span different activities. 

Ian - very nice arming wear - will take a closer at look your article.
« Last Edit: 2013-11-07, 23:20:15 by Gareyth »
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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #33 on: 2013-11-08, 00:00:55 »
Hello Gareyth, what was your solution? Multiple kits I bet :)

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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #34 on: 2013-11-08, 01:24:36 »
Welcome to Modernchivalry
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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #35 on: 2013-11-08, 02:00:20 »
Hail and well met...a good resource for SCA armor wind rose armory (www.windrosearmory.com) and ice falcon.....if you need anything just let me know..I am a current heavy fighter in the SCA..

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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #36 on: 2013-11-08, 14:55:05 »
Belemrys, I have the exact style of gambeson that I got from Forge of Svan, done in black...for the money, you'll not get better.  They're very communicative and their wares are well made.  I was worried at first at the thinness of the straps but they're very sturdy- I've picked up weight since I got it but haven't had any issues of strap or seam failure.  As I said, for that amount you'll not find anyone who does it better.  For significantly more (Jess Finley for instance) you'll get something much better but this is not a bad option.  Just know that it is more suited for plate than maille as the padding's pretty thin.  No complaints from my end though- and the turnaround time was like a month...considering where its coming from, that's pretty impressive.

On measurements - they'll tell you what they need, make sure they're accurate because Svan will build it to whatever measurements you provide and they'll be spot on, so you'll want to be wearing whatever gear you plan on wearing under it when you do take measurements as it should fit like a second skin and it will- so long as the measurements are accurate.

Couple of questions about Svan's gambeson...would it be good for HEMA? You said the padding was pretty thin at two layers...was worried it wouldnt be protective enough for HEMA sparring...also I am about 100 lbs overweight and I need to lose it...if the gambeson ends up a bit baggier (I have a bit to lose on my stomach, back and probably arms although most of my weight is in my lower body) will it still work or should I wait to lose more weight before ordering it? Also the leather straps, there is an upgrade available for pressed leather...should I get it?

This gambeson looks a bit more like an early 14th century gambeson (I was looking at a presentation by some living history people comparing 4 knights from 1337 - 1380 - 1415 - 1450 and the earliest on had a gambeson a bit like this...maybe this could be an option for me? Still only a bit more expensive (3 euro) than the other one...might this one be more accurate and good for HEMA (looks like it gives more protection).

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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #37 on: 2013-11-08, 16:26:49 »
Unfortunately it's hard to give you a straight answer with regards to HEMA, because different groups have different requirements, and different levels of intensity when fencing. Frequently if you need more protection, you'll be looking at adding pads or something over the gambeson (such as hockey or lacrosse elbows, for instance). Generally the gambeson doesn't need to be terribly thick, but again, it'll depend on the group. Frequently it comes down to your own comfort level.

« Last Edit: 2013-11-08, 16:27:30 by Sir Edward »
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir James A

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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #38 on: 2013-11-08, 16:40:57 »
Sir Ian's CdB gambeson/arming coat is a thing of envy. He is also being modest, in that he did not even say that he made it himself!
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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #39 on: 2013-11-08, 17:16:12 »
Sir Ian's CdB gambeson/arming coat is a thing of envy. He is also being modest, in that he did not even say that he made it himself!

Well he did...he posted his thread over to myarmory :)

Sir Edward, my group would like to eventually have everyone using Feders and spar at competition speed...my instructor uses a SPES Pro jacket...I myself have never touched a proper gambeson so I am not sure how they compare.


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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #40 on: 2013-11-08, 17:19:06 »
I fear you're putting the cart in front of the horse.  If you're interest is in equipment specifically for a group you're a member of or interested in joining, they will be able to far better guide you in purchases.  We'll happily spend your money all day here, but we also don't want to tell you to buy something, and then you show up to your group without having consulted them, and they tell you you're several hundred dollar gambeson is no good for what they do.

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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #41 on: 2013-11-08, 17:44:54 »
I fear you're putting the cart in front of the horse.  If you're interest is in equipment specifically for a group you're a member of or interested in joining, they will be able to far better guide you in purchases.  We'll happily spend your money all day here, but we also don't want to tell you to buy something, and then you show up to your group without having consulted them, and they tell you you're several hundred dollar gambeson is no good for what they do.

Alas none of them have purchased from Svan and Sir William has so I was hoping he could tell me what it is like...my instructor was quite enthused by the shape and design of the original gambeson but did not know how thin it would be and how much protection it would give on its own.

Sir James A

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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #42 on: 2013-11-08, 20:41:42 »
Revival has a $30 off sale on their cotton gambeson, good until monday.
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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #43 on: 2013-11-08, 20:46:44 »
Where do you see that? I still see it at $120 bucks...btw it says Chest 54" and 58" I would normally be a 54 but should I get the bigger one? Anyone know if they run small or large?

btw we are talking about http://revival.us/14thcgambesonitalianzuparello.aspx or http://www.revivalclothing.com/14thcenturylinengambeson.aspx
« Last Edit: 2013-11-08, 20:53:00 by Belemrys »

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Re: New to this World...
« Reply #44 on: 2013-11-08, 22:00:05 »

I've had mixed luck with their Revival Clothing's sizing. I think the Gambeson is the only thing I've ordered from them that wasn't the wrong size on the first try. The good news is they're really good about doing exchanges. It's just a hassle to send things back, of course.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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