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Author Topic: Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'  (Read 10857 times)

Sir Edward

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Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'
« on: 2011-03-10, 14:58:18 »

Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'

Is the word "hero" getting overused, and thus diminished? I think this article makes a good case.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir William

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Re: Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'
« Reply #1 on: 2011-03-24, 19:21:01 »
I know what you mean...a hero used to mean someone who performed above and beyond the call of duty, to borrow the phrase, on a regular basis and sought no recognition for said actions, only the doing of them.  I think the 71 ear old who beat off her attackers acted in a heroic fashion, but what was the rest of her life like?  Did she used to be a Nazi sympathizer, for instance?

The Domino's driver was also heroic as he knew the routine and questioned when it seemed to change for no apparent reason - which ultimately led to him saving that woman's life.

Michael Vick?  Maybe he can get 'most improved citizen' but definitely not a hero.  I don't consider John McCain a hero either...he persevered through adverse conditions that have broken many a POW, but that in itself is not heroic to me.  What would've been heroic (and probably dumb) is if he'd stood up to his captors and denounced their regime, even if it led to his death.  
« Last Edit: 2011-03-25, 15:02:43 by Sir William »
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Re: Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'
« Reply #2 on: 2011-03-24, 22:53:51 »
Can one be a hero for doing good things and standing up for what you believe? Even if those acts later lead to your evntual fame & fortune if you didn't do them to get that fame?
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Re: Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'
« Reply #3 on: 2011-03-25, 01:58:57 »
Can one be a hero for doing good things and standing up for what you believe? Even if those acts later lead to your evntual fame & fortune if you didn't do them to get that fame?

I would yes, so long as the acts are performed with a selfless intent.  If being recongnized for being heroic nullified the heroism, we'd have no heros!
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Sir William

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Re: Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'
« Reply #4 on: 2011-03-25, 15:05:04 »
I think the truly heroic acts are performed by people who do not seek to be heroes and are most likely uncomfortable with the moniker of 'hero' when it is applied to them.  Being a hero is pretty much what you described, Ivan (and Red).
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'
« Reply #5 on: 2011-03-25, 16:53:38 »
Heroic acts are not always performed by a hero, and I see lots of times where people are called a hero, when it was just that they did something heroic once. To me, repeated heroic acts make someone more of a hero than a single time.

If I stand up to a bully one time, it's a heroic act - especially if I come across other bullies that I do nothing about. If I stand up to every bully I ever come across, that's more of a "hero", at least to me.

I agree the word is tossed about very lightly the last decade or so, but I find a lot of blame on media sensationalism and trying to get their viewer base.
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Sir Edward

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Re: Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'
« Reply #6 on: 2011-03-25, 17:18:57 »
Heroic acts are not always performed by a hero, and I see lots of times where people are called a hero, when it was just that they did something heroic once. To me, repeated heroic acts make someone more of a hero than a single time.

If I stand up to a bully one time, it's a heroic act - especially if I come across other bullies that I do nothing about. If I stand up to every bully I ever come across, that's more of a "hero", at least to me.

Sir Geffroi de Charney would agree. Those who do more have more worth.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Robert Hinds

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Re: Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'
« Reply #7 on: 2011-03-28, 01:38:23 »
I agree. The word hero is tossed around too much. That Domino's delivery driver didn't put his life in danger at all (as far as I know), all he did was make a phone call to the police.

By todays standards darth vader could be called a hero for killing the emporer in the last few minutes of his absolutely horrible life.

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Joshua Santana

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Re: Heroic Acts To Protect The Word 'Hero'
« Reply #8 on: 2011-04-03, 23:27:31 »
The word Hero is being overused with no regards to the original meaning or intent of the word.

To me, a Hero is someone who has done the impossible in saving more than one life.  He has done the biggest act of saving others before himself and is ready to die for the sake of making sure those people are safe from harm.

This does apply to our military and veterans.  It also applies to someone who is not famous but has done an act of saving an innocent life from being mercilessly slaughtered. 

A quote from Thoreau said this: "The Hero is simply the most common and obscurest man in the world."

That is my opinion on what makes a Hero different from today's ever changing definition.
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