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Iron clad trailer

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---Sir William threw his gauntlet down right on the spot. When no one stepped up to champion the king, John backed down. Talk about a ballsy move. But it was well understood that a knight had the right to protect his reputation by combat.
--- End quote ---

*sigh* given the cesspool of humanity I must contend with on a daily basis at my job I find myself yearning for those days! :(

Sir William:
You and I both, Sir Brian.  Working in the Fed, I've witnessed all kind of injustices wreaked upon the workforce, and all hidden behind political speech; it almost evokes the Roman Senate only the knives used today are words, not steel.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Syr William on 2011-08-18, 13:55:33 ---it almost evokes the Roman Senate only the knives used today are words, not steel.

--- End quote ---

Now I had an image of in my head of the senate standing in a circle around Caesar, shouting "Ni! Ni!" :)

Sir William:
That's what they do NOW...only the insults and threats are veiled in polite speech and delivered in a calm manner.  Usually.  I've overheard dust-ups amongst senior management that had me wondering whether or not we're as civilized as we keep saying we are.

Sir Edward:

Congress won't be civilized until someone can go in there and throw down a gauntlet, and resolve things by right of combat. :)


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