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Iron clad trailer

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Sir Edward:

Oh also, I think they showed the wrong side of the keep collapse. I believe in the film they showed a collapse of the inner-most corner of the keep, with the front door.

Historically it was the opposite corner, nestled back against the curtain wall. The tower in the curtain wall behind the keep was badly damaged, and that corner of the keep with it's turret as well. Both were rebuilt as round towers afterward to better deflect incoming artillery, if I've been reading correctly.

Sir William:
LOL @ that

Gotta love dramatic license...those changes make no sense to me unless the set designers screwed up.

Sir Edward:

In the case of which corner fell, I think they changed it on purpose, since they wanted to take the story into the courtyard. The captives who had their hands and feet chopped off weren't captured as they lay injured in the courtyard, historically. Instead, they were folks who were sent out of the castle by the rebels, to reduce the need for food. And then some had hands and feet cut off by King John (boy, he was a right bastard, wasn't he?).

Sir William:
Yes he also tells me I need to bone up on my history - wouldn't the Marshal have been there?  Were we to draw some correlation between the one in the movie with the Marshal we know and love?  I naming him Thomas I knew he was not of that brood...still, I thought William would've made an appearance, at least in protest of John's actions if nothing else.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I'm not sure where William Marshal was during that siege. He remained loyal to his kings, including John. But he was also one of the few who could stand up to John during his tirades.

There was an incident where John was blaming everyone around him for things not going his way (a frequent occurrence with John), and laid a bunch of blame right at William's feet in open court. Sir William threw his gauntlet down right on the spot. When no one stepped up to champion the king, John backed down. Talk about a ballsy move. But it was well understood that a knight had the right to protect his reputation by combat. :)


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