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Iron clad trailer

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Sir William:
HUZZAH!  I would LOVE for that to be brought back.  Because I'll tell you this- no one, and I mean NO ONE would be so quick to speak out of turn if they knew the potential consequence was a gauntlet being thrown down in challenge.

For my part, I'm not above a little bloodletting to get a valid point across...even if it is my own.  Not that I cut myself...don't want any misconceptions.  lol

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Rochester Castle was truly one of the most inpenetratable early Norman towers of it`s age. King Johns men had to tunnel through very hard rock, under the curtain wall, into the strong foundations of the tower, where it was closest to the curtain wall.
Here is a view of the tower after it has been re-built using the latest "round tower" technology.

As you can see, the curtain wall tower has also had to be re-built.

Here is a view of the deviding wall, Sir Ed mentions, that held out untill the very last throws of the siege;


Sir Patrick:
Saw the movie last night and loved it!  Best period flick I've seen in a while (Hollywood medling aside).  The only other thing I can say is:  I'm glad I'm not the Duke of Albany!  :o

Sir William:
Think I'll give this another look over the weekend...I really enjoyed it but now it is time for me to put my detail glasses on.

Sir James A:
I saw this last night, and enjoyed it. I don't know why, but I think the first half of the movie was better than the second. I also thought it a bit odd that Marshall only wore the templar surcoat for the first battle, and never again afterwards. I guess with the extreme potency of his sword, he could get away with it. :)


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