Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

WTF! Duke Nukem Forever a reality?

<< < (2/5) > >>

Sir Brian:
My dear Sir William, there is ALWAYS time for inane and juvenile humor!  :D

Sir William:
No argument there...but I'm a little salty that it took this long.  More than likely I will play it...but it isn't on my list anymore of games I gotta have.  ;)

Sir Wolf:
i showed the video to Sir Ace. he and I used to play Duke in his basement in my high school years. man he was excited to finally see this too!

Sir Brian:
I use to play death match against one of my employees via modem. We still get a laugh out of some of our more epic battles. It is surprising just how deviously innovative you can get with those pipe bombs and laser trip mines!  ;D

Sir Wolf:
i hope they still have co-op


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