Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
WTF! Duke Nukem Forever a reality?
Sir Edward:
I just love how the teaser ends... something like this:
Female voice: "Duke, is the game any good?"
Duke: "After twelve fucking years, it should be!"
Sir William:
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-01-22, 08:46:06 ---I use to play death match against one of my employees via modem. We still get a laugh out of some of our more epic battles. It is surprising just how deviously innovative you can get with those pipe bombs and laser trip mines! ;D
--- End quote ---
Ahhh, the good ole days...we used to 'test the network' by playing death match on Quake III: Arena...and the VP was an avid gamer so he was onboard too. That, and BattleZone was another good 'network test app'. lol
Sir James A:
Up is down! Left is right! Squares are round! The world makes no sense any more!
I vaguely remember the original so, so long ago. The only memories I have of it the last few years are from the sound clips on the Youtube videos of people annoying other people on Ventrilo. I wonder what this one will spur?
Sir William:
LOL @ Sir James...that's pretty much how I remember it. I can recall playing only once...I remember being fond of Doom at the time so I was biased. I think I'm telling on myself now. lol
Sir Edward:
I played a lot more Doom than I care to admit. Duke 3D was great fun though, and I played through it several times. I'm tempted to see if I can get my copy up and running again and give it a shot before the new one comes out (assuming it actually is coming out).
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