Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

WTF! Duke Nukem Forever a reality?

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Sir Brian:
 :o http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2011/01/duke-nukem-forever-arrives-may-3-new-trailer-inside.ars  :o

All these years as vaporware and now it is finally real!

Yep, I KNOW the end of the world is coming for sure now!  ;)

Sir Edward:

Ya, I know, crazy isn't it? When the company folded, I figured that was it... all hope was lost. Then these guys bought up all the rights and materials, and said that with a hard push for maybe 6 to 12 months, it would be possible to finish the project. I was skeptical, of course. But it looks like they might actually have been able to do it!

This is really messing with my understanding of the universe. I think my brain will implode when I start playing it, or something, because it's destroying my reality.

Sir Ancelyn:
Your brain won't implode, but it might be permanently disrupted. The makers would kill you, but that would be against their religion, interrupting suffering that is. ;-)

Sir Wolf:
woohoo cant wait cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sir William:
I remember being so stoked about this game when I first heard it was coming along but I have little patience for games that spend as long in developmental hell like this one has.  I fear the inane and juvenile humor isn't going to cut it for me anymore.


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