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The Fight Book (National Geographic)

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Sir William:

Das Bill:
Looks like it should be entertaining. Take it with a grain of salt, because from their promo alone I can already tell they're working off some outdated theories. For example, they seem to be going off the idea that Talhoffer's illustrations of the duel between a man and woman might possibly be a thing that Talhoffer made up (the woman in the video makes a point of prefacing her opinions with that). That was a theory some 15 years ago. There are dozens of other manuscripts that show this type of duel and have pretty specific descriptions of the laws and customs.

I look forward to catching this when it's out. Though I do wish people would stop making it sound like Talhoffer is so unique and unusual. :)

Sir James A:
I took one class with John Clements last year, and it opened my eyes to a number of WMA things I never knew. ARMA was one of the first "local" forums I came across, there was a post about him coming out to teach a class near my house. He was a good instructor. At first, I was interested in becoming an ARMA member, but after hearing the part about "and what you learn is not to be taught to anyone else", as essentially a "what happens in ARMA, stays in ARMA" feeling, I realized it's not the place for me.

The best thing about the class is that it brought to my attention there are lots of groups if I learned terms like HEMA, WMA, KDF, etc, that I never knew existed.

I set myself a reminder for the show, and hopefully I can record it and post a digital copy of it for those unable to watch it. My tech is, unfortunately, medieval as well, as I'll need to record it on a VCR (like from the museums) and then convert it to PC format. I'll post up a link if I can get it done and the quality isn't horrendous.

Sir William:
"and what you learn is not to be taught to anyone else" - what kind of happy crap is that?

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-01-14, 16:12:28 ---"and what you learn is not to be taught to anyone else" - what kind of happy crap is that?

--- End quote ---

How very medieval of them... Yes, they generally also take a stance that they are the only one true reconstruction of the sword arts, and the rest of the community are years behind. It gets tiring seeing those arguments crop up.


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