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The Fight Book (National Geographic)

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Sir Edward:

Featuring John Clements and Terry Jones:

It could be interesting. But I really would prefer them to interview Christian Tobler instead of John Clements. Personal bias of mine, I suppose. :)

Sword Chick:
I have to agree with you there!   :D

Sir William:
Why the bias?

Sword Chick:
I can't speak for Sir Ed.  As for myself, I confess, part of it is personal bias in that I consider Mr. Tobler a friend.  On a slightly more objective level, I am continually impressed by the scholarly work that Mr. Tobler produces.  You can find a sample here:

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-01-12, 21:42:48 ---Why the bias?

--- End quote ---

I agree with what Sword Chick said. But also, John Clements has done a really good job of sectioning himself and ARMA off from most of the rest of the HEMA/WMA community.


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