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Author Topic: The Fight Book (National Geographic)  (Read 25392 times)


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Re: The Fight Book (National Geographic)
« Reply #30 on: 2011-02-25, 06:52:16 »
I'm not sure who Rick Bayless is, but I like Mike Loades enthusiasm and presentation style.

Rick Bayless does a show on PBS called 'Mexico, One Plate At A Time'


If you like Mario Batali or Andrew Zimmern, then you'll like Rick Bayless, and just like those guys Mike Loades makes me want to go out and do the thing that he's doing with his infectious enthusiasm.

Just like he does in 'Weapons That Made Britain'


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Re: The Fight Book (National Geographic)
« Reply #31 on: 2011-02-26, 22:17:04 »
I recognize that Del Tin 5140 he's showing off!  Ahh, you never forget your first sword!
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Joshua Santana

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Re: The Fight Book (National Geographic)
« Reply #32 on: 2011-03-30, 10:38:36 »
I know this is late, but here is my take on this:

1. The documentary (to me) is for the general public that has no clue as to what HEMA is or how the Middle Ages were really beack then.  This is a documentary for for your average dummy.

2. I would have love Tobler to demonstrate the techniques rather than John Clements (in my view knows what he talks about, but his practice method to me is questionable and reinforcing the notion of flat vs. edge subtly)  And too much telegraphing from both fighters!

3. If there is any redeeming quality in this documentary, Mike Loads section of the siege technology is amazing!

4. On Terry Jones, nice guy but his documentary of the Knight, literally ticked me off!  In this one, he appears humble which is good.

So far, a nice documentary I would present in one of my college presentations, but not in a HEMA study group.
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