Main > The Courtyard

Time for a gorget!

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Sir Wolf:
let me know if u need some aluminum piece or something. i have some old signs somewheres.

Sir Brian:
Thanks Sir Wolf...but I've got a few pieces of various metals laying around!  ;)

Sir Wolf:
ok np man. just offered to help ya out :) hehe

Das Bill:

--- Quote from: Rodney on 2011-01-13, 23:46:13 ---David illustrated this gorget very well here. 
--- End quote ---

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten he'd posted pics of that!

--- Quote ---Using Bill's gift gorget as a guide, I made a prototype (with butted / blackened mail) that stands up to SCA combat very well.  Between this gorget and an aventail hanging off my bascinet I have no coverage issues, movement restriction or fear of my Adam’s apple being pushed back into my spine.
--- End quote ---

Very cool! It's a really excellent design. I've never worn a gorget that I've been totally happy with, but this standard is fantastic, both for armoured and unarmoured bouting.

I use an old Regulus gorget in the SCA and with HEMA. Seems to do me well, though when I buy a aventail for my helm I will be going to a dog collar gorget.

If decide to no go with Torvaldr (who does very good work) then consider the ones that Windrose Armoury's uses.



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