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Need a bit help with a kit

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich the Wicked on 2010-12-21, 04:51:44 ---So he makes custom fitted plate? How much does it go for typically? Cause thats actually exactly what I want because it would probably fit me best. All I really want at the moment is thigh armor and splinted greaves.

--- End quote ---

I got the vambraces and greaves all told for less than $200, and I opted for the heavier gauge steel w/brass rivets affixed to heavy grade brown leather.  Later on, I got the gorget in the same you can tell, Sir Brian has the same one I do but he chose black leather.  Allan's work is top notch...before I had these, I had the plate bracers and greaves from his site too but wanted a different look so I went with the splinted pieces.  I also picked up a pair of his espauliers after having a pair of simple cops and wanting more shoulder protection- because I thought it looked better.  I was right, it does.  You can't go wrong with MT.

Sir Ulrich:
Well I'll consider it after Christmas and whatnot. Once I get myself a job and whatnot I'll have enough to save up for it. I love how the splinted stuff looks and getting it for a good price and custom made sounds like a good deal. Splinted stuff is hard to find elsewhere and I like how his stuff looks rather accurate.

Maybe I'll make my persona early to mid 1300s but I will use some old fashioned equipment such as a full mail hauberk and whatnot. I thought they had splinted armor in the Viking age though. Personally I think it would protect better than chausses as mail is only useful at defending against cuts and thrusts and is close to useless against blunt force trauma. I'd hate to get hit in the arm or shin with a mace or sword with only chausses on, the blunt impact may break a bone or 2 while splinted armor would probably protect better against blunt trauma if it was thick enough.

I would also like a coat of plates but maybe I am thinking too far ahead, would be heavy and hot wearing all that over mail and whatnot anyway. From what I gather plate is hotter than mail is as mail breathes and plate does not. No wonder the only crusades that succeeded were the ones in the age of mail.

Sir Andrew:
Actually, the only crusade that even thought about success was the first...the rest were bouts of foolishness interspersed with lapses of stupidity....

Sir William:
Easy to say that now...I'd be willing to bet that it didn't present itself to them as thus, Sir Andrew, at the time.  

Sir Ulrich, are you preparing to enter the lists of a battle organization like the SCA?  Or are you putting together a battle ready kit simply because you want to?

That's what I did, so I am not being condescending- just asking.

Unless you are planning on fighting in your kit, I would go with the maille. You seem to be going for a "darker" look with your kit. This is super easy to attain with maille. Don't buy it black, just get it about the same colour as iron. Check out GDFB for that. I would reccomend early 14th century/late 13th
 Buy GDFB gamboised ciusses (they come in black for the "look"  ;))
Get a surcoat made. Make it good 'n dark, like your COA.
Get a coif that matches the maille. and go for the greathelm, w/ a skullcap underneath the coif. and reccomended arming cap.
Get thyself a sizable shield, get it painted in your COA.
and seriously go for the greathelm. It's uber-intimidating and would match the "dark" look perfectly in the right colour.


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